Part 5

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???: Wha-? Who are you?

Both you and Ozpin remained in your position as the dust finally cleared to reveal the current fall maiden, who was currently feeling groggy from the sudden awakening.

(Y/N): We should give her some time.

Small Timeskip

Amber: I see... So how am I still here?

Since Ozpin explained about the state that she was in and about the fact that she wad found near dead, you decided to give your side of the story. In fact, it was pretty much the answer to her problem.

At the moment, the three of you were in the infirmary as Amber recovers.

(Y/N): Long story short, I sent my subordinates to eliminate your attackers. How do I know about your attacker? Well lets just say I stole some of their plans and the entire map of Beacon was in a memory device.

Ozpin: What?! How?!

(Y/N): You don't have to worry about it. As I said, the attackers were eliminated.

You were leaning against the wall while constantly flipping a knife in your hand with ease. You stopped by catching the knife and turning your head to the fall maiden.

(Y/N): And since Ozzy here is practically dumping a couple of his students with me.... I'll be taking you with me, permanently.

Ozpin: What?!

(Y/N): Small price to pay for dumping your students with me.

Ozpin: ... For what reason?

(Y/N): I could always use the power of a maiden on my side. Besides, I need somebody to keep Penny some company.

The headmaster sighed knowing the risks but he decided to accept. After all, at least you will be around her to make sure that she will not be attacked again.

Amber: Do I not have a say in this?

(Y/N): ... Maybe?

Ozpin: Trust me, you will be in good hands.

(Y/N): Yup! Now, get yourself dressed. We have a few days to ready ourselves for a mission.

The dark skinned woman was rather confused by her situation but complied since she had nowhere else to go. At least it'd be better than moving into the middle of nowhere.

(Y/N): Good, I'll be waiting at the landing pads.

You then began to walk but as you took your first, your body began t vanish until you were invisible. Ozpin and Amber were quite surprised by your ability to cloak yourself.

Small Timeskip

(Y/N): Quite the team we have.

You surprised the group that was waiting as you exited your airship. Luckily, classes were currently in session so you wouldn't have anyone suddenly dropping by.

Ranger: Took you long enough.

(Y/N): Was waiting up on her.

You gestured your head to point them towards the approaching brown skinned woman, who is currently wearing her usual outfit.

Ruby: Who is she?

(Y/N): .... She's my niece.

Ranger and Joanna looked at you funny since they knew that you never had any relatives thar you knew of. In fact, Ranger was about to question your delayed choice of a cover story.

(Y/N): Anyways, let's get going since we're all here! We have a few days to prep ourselves!

You stepped back inside your personal airship as the others followed behind. 

Ranger: By the way, I've read the plans... You plan to go to war.

(Y/N): Not a war, old friend. We're not going to kill anybody, we're just going to make sure that Atlas won't try to harvest anymore Light.

Blake: How are we going to do that?

You took the pilot seat before activating the airship and closing all of the seals.

(Y/N): We're going to destroy the shard.

To be continued...

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