Part 7

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(Y/N): What th...

You felt something strange within yourself as you awoke the next morning. It was rather odd since you've never felt your Light act this way. The minute that you stood on your feet, your Void began to emit from your body for a few minutes. Then it vanished, which left you a little confused.

You sat on your bed and turned your head to look at Neo, who was still sleeping on the matress. Perhaps the job was more dangerous than you thought, the Light from the shard may have already been released and your abilities are responding to the power.

(Y/N): .... To late to turn back now.

You kissed her on the cheek before moving to the bathroom so that you may ready yourself for the day.


???: Sir! Our equipment has stopped working!

Ironwood: Then find out what the problem is and get it running again!

The general stood before the meteorite that has corrupted the lands around it. The area around the shard has turned the snowy area into a icy death trap. The falling snow turned to blizzards as well as the fact that the temperature has dramatically dropped below zero.

At the moment, General Ironwood is leading an excavation team to harvest Light from the humongous shard. Although, their equipment and vehicles seem to malfunction as soon as they were near the meteorite.

The sounds of distant howling and roaring startled the crew.

Ironwood: Stay alert! We're not the only ones out here!

Back With You

You finished donning your usual set of gear before making your way towards the kitchen for breakfast. Along the way, Neo seemed to have awakened and was already dresses for the day. In fact, she even stopped you as soon as she found you.

(Y/N): What's up?

She slightly frowned signifying about your condition.

(Y/N): *sigh* Guess you saw it too...

She grabbed your arm and looked at you with worry.

(Y/N): I know, it's getting too risky for me to even head over there but... I have to do this.  You know it too...

Neo: I don't want anything to happen to you.

You weren't surprised to hear her speak since she's spoken to you numerous times.

(Y/N) Neo,I promise. Nothing will happen to me once we're out there.

You then planted a small kiss on her lips before continuing to make your way to the kitchen.

Timeskip Departure

Everyone boarded the large airship that contained two reinforced vehicles built for offroad driving. It wasn't the same airship that you usually use for traveling but it was one used to transport a heavy load of cargo.

 It wasn't the same airship that you usually use for traveling but it was one used to transport a heavy load of cargo

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Ranger: I seriously wonder where you got everything.

(Y/N): The Cargo airship I got a while back, I don't use it much. These bad boys I found in a junkyard so I restored them. Which reminds me...

You then tossed a set of keys at Penny as she easily caught them.

Amber: Why is she driving for our team?

(Y/N): Can you drive?

The fall maiden fell silent knowing that she didn't have any driving experience.

(Y/N): Right, remember what we talked about. We're going to be landing outside of the are to decrease our chances of being spotted. We'll be taking these two the rest of the way.

As you spoke, you sat in the pilot's seat while the rest took their spots in the passenger seats. Neo sat beside you in the co pilot's seat as you began to start the airship.

(Y/N): Let's turn on the radio.

You pressed a button that began to play music from the speakers that were located inside of the airship.

Joanna: ... Really? You're still listening to this after all of these years?

You simply shrugged in response.

(Y/N): Can't beat the classics. Besides, I'm not hearing any complaints from Ranger.

Ranger: Ahh yes, takes me back when we used to race as soon as we got our licenses. I still have the XS042.

(Y/N): *laughs* I actually reacquired my Mach 1 when I found this place.

Once every single hatch were sealed shut, the airship slowly rose from the ground.

(Y/N): Found it in an impound lot since I was a "criminal".

Ranger: How about we take them back up the old mountain once we get back?

(Y/N): Loser buys breakfast?

Ranger: Deal!

Meanwhile, Neo simply smiled at your interactions between old friends. She rarely witnessed this kind of interactions before since it was just the two of you.

Neo: *in thought* I can only hope we can still experience this after this job...

To be continued!

Never For The Money: Neo X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now