8. the hotel🗞

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nothing about the time, dates and location will be accurate in this story, because obviously i wasn't there but, this will be a mix of videos and stuff!

20 minutes later


I press 'end' at the corner of my phone screen and switch my phone off. Everyone was commenting "kiss finn" and as much as I wanted to I couldn't.

People seriously think Finn and I are dating. The other boys have said we're like a couple cause we're always together and laughing. I don't know. I like him. And I think he likes me.


I left the hotel room just after jack finished the live stream to go downstairs to play hide and seek with Wyatt. Jack and Jaeden said they wanted to stay upstairs so we go without them.

I've been thinking about talking to Jack. We hit it off so well, we're best friends. I just want him to know how I feel, even if nothing comes from it, it will make me happy to know that he knows.

For the last month I've been thinking of ways to tell him, idk wether I should tell him on set, when we're in the hotel when we're out for food, it's a hard situation.

Jack🤓 is typing...

I get a notification on snapchat,

Hey James Bond

hello there

Wanna meet up on Friday you me and a mcdonaldsssss

sure it'll be like when we met!

Okay I'll call you later so we can plan it better!


Au revoir

Well, at least I don't have to worry about confronting him. We'll be together and maybe I can tell him then.


I'm still in the hotel room. After texting Finn I feel much better, I know that when we meet up, even though we're gonna see each other before that, I'll be able to tell him everything.

i wanna try and update daily, so sorry if these are short! wtf almost 500 views! thankyouuuu

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