10: lets talk🎲

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Finn walked up to the door and pulled the handle. Obviously, because it was Finn, it was a push door. Jack followed, actually pulling the door handle, not making the same mistake as Finn. They sat down together on a small round yellow table, the chairs were green and red, Jack on red and Finn on green. They had decided to go to McDonalds, because that's where they first met. Properly. They both ordered the same thing as before. It had been months since they'd been somewhere without the rest of the cast or their parents, it was nice.
Back over at Wyatt's house, Chosen, Jeremy and Jaeden were over. Nick had just left, he was flying back to Australia for the week to see the rest of his family. Chosen decided to play piano and Wyatt and Jeremy joined in. Wyatt filmed Chosen playing and started to sing different songs over it. They were always weird around each other, filming skits, playing games, live streaming, basically being weird all the time. While Wyatt was filming, Jaeden was sitting in the corner with headphones watching Naruto. He was really quiet for at least an hour.
   Finn and Jack finished off their meals and left McDonalds. They walked all the way to the end of the street and decided they wanted to go skateboarding. None of them had their skateboards on them so they went to a park where you could rent them. Jack was more advanced in skateboarding than Finn, but Finn was great all the same. Until something happened. Someone recognized Finn and threw a rock at the ground, Finns wheel ran over it and he flew backwards landing on his back, he was unconscious and not moving. Jack jumped off his skateboard as fast as possible and rushed over to him.
"FINN? FINN!" He started to shake his shoulders forwards and backwards, "Wake up!" Jack was so worried, he reached for his phone and dialed 911 in a panic!
   Everyone surrounded them, some taking photos, because, well, it was Finn Wolfhard. Someone checked his pulse and they claimed they couldn't feel anything, Jack tried shortly after, nothing. Jack shooed everyone and even pushed some people away so it was just them. Tears fell down Jacks face as he imagined all the things that could be wrong or could happen to him, but he held most of them back because he didn't want to look stupid. It had been 4 minutes and 36 seconds, Jack was counting, and no one had come to their rescue. Jack thought about the other boys, the losers, where were they? Could they help? So he called Jaeden.
Jaeden was still watching Naruto on his phone when the call came in. The episode paused automatically and he answered the phone.
"What do you want." Jaeden, not giving two shits.
"Jaeden this isn't a-a prank, F-Finn was s-skateboarding and he fell flat on his back, he's unconscious and he ISN'T BREATHING!!!" Jack began to scream down the phone.
"Jack, be serious, check his pulse are you sure he isn't breathing?"
"Yes I'm fucking serious, and I've fucking checked. He. Is not. Breathing. Get Wyatt's Mom to drive down NOW" Jack was hyperventilating at this point, the ambulance still hadn't arrived.
"Well call an ambulance and we'll be there soon." Jaeden hung up the phone and began shouting.
"WYATT, JEREMY, CHOSEN!!! Finn isn't breathing and they've called the ambulance but we need to get there now, Jeremy, call Sophia!"
They ran outside and everyone got in the car, forgetting about seatbelts and slamming doors. Wyatt's Mom wasn't ready at all and she ended up going in half pyjamas half daytime clothes, but this was serious, she wasn't in the slightest bit worried about her appearance. Jaeden called Jack and they spoke to eachother until they arrived.

authors note
thanks for reading this? i know it's not that good cause my grammar is shit. this one is gonna be a two parter obviously cause who knows what gonna happen to finn😂 tbh idk yet. pls check out ma othhhher story (in the middle) xo

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