15. after party

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   as the boys all walked out of the theatre where the movie was played, they heard people screaming and shouting, calling their names, flashing cameras. it was one of the weirdest most amazing moments of their lives. the boys and sophia one by one made their way to the car that was taking them to their 'fancy' meal out. they had booked a huge restaurant just for the cast and the crew. everyone waved goodbye to the paps and got into the car.
"hey soph, check this out" chosen said showing her his phone. the it movie tag was trending!
"could you not call me soph, and wow oh my god!" she looked closer.
"what's is it?" wyatt asked, he was sitting in the very back so he couldn't see what was going on.
"the movies tag is trending on twitter, cool amirite?" sophia smirked.
finn and jack had kinda started being awkward around each other since the bathroom incident so they weren't talking much, finn was in his phone and so was jack. jack was texting noah trying to arrange what was happening that night. his mom had agreed and said yes so he was definitely allowed to go there, but he was worried about what finn would think. but, finn was texting the girl. the one from the bathroom. the one who almost ruined it all, but, ignoring all that, finn was in an okay mood. after texting for a while they had kinda made friends. she told him how she's always wanted to act but never knew how to get an agent or to be signed into an agency, so finn promised to tell his agent about her to see if there were any in her area willing to sign her.
"who you texting?" jack asked looking over finns shoulder, finn pulled his phone to his chest and held it tight.
"no one."
"yeah, right."
"how about you, who are you texting?"
"you have your secrets i have mine."
they both turned their heads away from each other and went back to their text conversations

this story was only just getting good and i stopped for a while for personal reasons, but i no longer want to keep writing this because of what jack has done, if you don't know about it i won't bother explaining, sorry. i loved this story but i'm going to be putting all of my focus into "in between" which i may change to "hawkins"

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