12: premiere👀

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   months later.
   finn had fully recovered from his accident. he was put in bedrest for 72 hours instead of 48, because he still hadn't fully recovered. finn had been home to see his family before the premiere and decided to take his mom and dad with him.
   "hey mom, do you have my tie?" jack shouted across the hotel room.
   "no, i'm sorry honey!" she shouted back sticking her head around the corner of the door.
   "okay i'll just go without!"
   jack wore a black shirt and a black&white cheetah/leopard print jacket. there was a knock at the door so he answered. it was noah schnapp, jack had never really met noah, other than times that finn was ok the phone and he shouted things like "hey schnapps" or "i found will!" but other than that there was no reason for noah to be knocking on his door.
"who is it?" jacks mom asked, sticking her head out of the bathroom door.
"it's just a friend" he shouted back.
jack closed the door, now with him and noah standing outside. noah looked confused, almost as confused as jack.
"why are you here?" jack asked raising an eyebrow. "sorry! i wasn't saying it like that, i'm just a little confused."
"well finn texted me and told me to meet him in room 237. so i did! but i thought finn was gonna be here!"
"well he's in the lobby with jaeden, logan and jeremy if you wanna go see him?" jack pointed to the elevator.
"it's fine i'll wiat for you and we can go down together" he smiled and sat down leaning against the wall next to the hotel door. jack closed the door and continued to get ready.
30 minutes later.
"took you long enough!" noah said, he started to stand up from where he had been sitting for the last 30 minutes. but jack sat down next to him instead. they were now both sitting down outside room 237. all dressed up, and ready for an amazing premiere. noah looked at jack and said something that's shocked jack.
"do you, like, finn?"
"of course, friends"
"i mean. do you like, like finn?"
jack looked away and stared at the wall on the door there side of the hallway for a moment.
"uh, i do-" jack was interrupted by a door slam and a crowd of 4-5 people running through the hallway. it was finn, logan, jaeden and jeremy.
they were running so fast they almost couldn't stop when they saw noah and jack.
"sup my dudes!" jeremy said first to the two. finn followed by pointing his fingers in a gun shape towards them. jaeden and logan sat down on the opposite side and finn and jeremy sat next to jack.
"so jack you were saying?" noah said looking at jack.
"saying what? i didn't say anything! uh look, is that the time, i need to finish getting ready, huh?!" jack stood up and ran into his room slamming the door behind him. he slid down the door with his back leaning on it. he put his head in his hands, and sat there.
"jack? jack, honey, are you okay?" jacks mom asked placing her hand on his shoulder. she was ready for the premiere so she looked stunning, wearing a beautiful red velvety dress.
"i'm fine!" jack mumbled getting up once again, he went to sit on the sofa, and looked out of the window. he stared for a while before checking his phone.

james bond😂:
you have (13) messages.
swipe to read.

jack slid the button on his screen and typed in his password.

james bond😂:
jack come out we're waiting!

james bond😂:
everyone's leaving now. i'll wait.

james bond😂:
hurry up!

james bond😂:
are you okay?

james bond😂:
open the door, i'll wait with you

james bond😂:
i'll call your mom!

as jack carried on reading the messages he slowly walked over to the door. he opened it and finn was standing there with his arms out. jack wrapped his arms around him, as tight as possible.

authors note:
bois i'm leaving you there for today, sorry for not writing as much recently, thankyou for 7k views and 300+ votes!!! ♡ ♡

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