9. meet up🎬

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"Hey! Nice to meet you. Are you excited to watch the movie?" Chosen hugs a short, brown haired girl who's almost in tears at the sight of him. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! For everything!" He waves at the girl as she walks away.

"Chosen!" A man with stature walks up to him, "You need to come with me"

Chosen gets up and follows him, because he is the meet and greet manager. "BYE EVERYONE!" He waves at his fans who all wave back, screaming and shouting. "Whatcha need me for?" he asks his manager. They keep walking, the manager keeps shut.

"BOO!" Jack says, "Hey man!" The whole cast are standing in a room together, none of them knowing what's about to happen. A man walks in, someone they've seen around set only once or twice. He's pushing something in, it looks like those TV's you used to get in science class. He puts in a tape...

"Hello everyone, before I play this tape, I would like to say something." He takes a deep breath. "You May know me, you may not, I'm that guy you see on set sometimes. But I have a surprise for you. Andy and I have some changes we'd like to make here and there but for now... THIS IS THE FINAL CUT OF THE MOVIE!" He presses one of the buttons on the TV and joins into the crowd to watch the movie.

The screen pans over Derrys barrens and zooms up and onto a building, it's a farm. "HEY THATS ME!" Chosen shouts, "I loved filming that!" The movie carries on, people cry, laugh, scream, shout but no ones reaction could compare to Jack's. At one point in the movie Jack jumped into Finn's arms because he was so scared, everyone turned and looked so Finn but him down as quickly as possible, smiling at him afterwards.

The movie finishes and everyone claps. Barb and Andy do a speech Andy goes first, he thanks everyone and everyone cheers, Barbara follows getting the same reaction. Finn screams "WOOOH!" And Wyatt whistles! They all laugh it off and decide it's all enough for one day.

3 hours later


"Wyatt come here! Look!" Jaeden shouts. Pointing his phone in Wyatt's direction.

"What is it?" He asks sitting down next to him.

"The comments look, they're saying is the 'most viewed trailer in 24 hours EVER!' This is awesome!"

"That's SO COOL! I'll call Jeremy" Wyatt says pulling out his phone, he scrolls down the contacts list all the way to 'JERMY😂' he pick up the phone and calls him. The phone rings for about 10 seconds before Jeremy answers.




"No, what happened?"


"The trailer is the most viewed trailer since Star Wars!"




"Uh huh! Jaeden just told me!"


"This is awesome! But I'm gonna have to go. I need to tell my family!!"

JERMY😂 ended the call.

this one is horrible and short and i tried to write it in a different way. WERE SO CLOSE TO 1,000 VIEWS WTF?!?!?! thankyou sm! if you're reading this please follow my instagram @dustinsdart

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