14: premiere🚰

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"hey jack" noah shouted, "wait up a sec."
they were now standing in the lobby waiting for the car to drive them to the premiere. noah ran up to jack and they started talking. finn was standing with some of the boys who were in the same hotel (logan, nicholas, and a few more)
finn turned his head to look at noah and jack and by look at his face you could tell he wasn't happy. noah and jack spoke for about 5 minutes before noah asked something that kind of shocked jack.
"wanna come over to mine after the premiere? after you have a meal and stuff?" noah looked so excited cause him and jack had really hit it off that day.
"uh, sure!" jack didn't want to sound rude by making up a stupid excuse, because he knew fin wouldn't be happy, but he decided he would go, noah had been nice to him all day, and they were friends now, so why not?
"great, i'll go tell my mom maybe she'll go talk you yours later!" noah rushed off towards his mom who was standing taking to the man behind the counter in the lobby.
finn walked over to jack as soon as noah had walked away, jack was facing the other way so he didn't notice finn was there, jack started to walk towards his mom who was sitting in one of the chairs in the lobby but before he took more than 3 steps he felt something on his shoulder. it was finns hand. finn turned jack around and asked to talk to him. in private. they went to the bathroom which was at the end of one of the corridors that were near the stairs to the second floor. it was a unisex bathroom which meant girls could go in there too. jack and finn went into one of the cubicles and jack sat one the toilet, with the lid down, and finn leant against the door of the toilet, there wasn't any sign of anyone else so they started talking.
"what was that? the whole thing with noah, you've never even spoken about him since i've met you!" finns voice started to sound a little over protective and angry.
"finn there's nothing to worry about we were just plann- i mean talking"
"planning what!?"
"i didnt day planning!"
"yes you did! i heard you!"
"finn why does it bother you?"
"because WE are meant to be friends, maybe even more than that!"
"well if you were my fiend you would let me SPEAK to other people!"
"well maybe if i didn't love you i wouldn't care!" finn said, but he quickly realised what he said and looked down.
"you mean, you really love me? i thought when we were in the car from the hospital you were kidding." jack grabbed his hand.
"now you know. i wasn't"
jack stood up, he still wasn't as tall as finn but he was standing. he grabbed finns other and and finn looked up, right into jacks dark brown eyes. jack was staring into finn eyes too. all before the most amazing thing happened. they heard the click of a camera, like a phone camera. finn turned around and unlocked the door and walked out.
"hEY!" finn went around and kicked all of the doors in the bathroom, there were 6 all together, 3 in each side. all but one opened. "come out of there!"
the room fell silent.
"who is it?" jack asked, slowly raising the tone of his voice.
the engaged sign on the door slowly changed to vacant. and a girl with wavy brown hair and beautiful brown eyes walked out. before finn began to shout, he took couple seconds just staring into her eyes. she looked back. her cheeks had gone red. she was wearing black ripped jeans and a yellow wooly jumper. it was over sized so it made her look cute.
"what were you doing?" finn asked, he wasn't shouting anymore because he felt bad, she looked innocent, but still around his age.
"i came into the bathroom to take a photo in the mirror but the i heard people fighting so i thought maybe i'd start filming incase something bad happened. i'm so so sorry! i didn't know it was you guys, i feel so bad!" she had her sleeves going over her hands and she hens to push her hair back behind her ear.
"it's okay, just please remove the video, but could i see it before you do." finns face had gone red, almost as red as hers. "actually, can you send me the video? i'll give you my number, as long as you promise not to post it or leak my number!"
"of course! just type it in here, i'll send the video and the delete it straight away. i promise!"
"FINN!" jack shouted, "why would you give her your number!?"
"she promised."

i'm not going to write about the actual premiere because i want this to stay more of a fiction. so i'm just going to skip to the end of the premiere in the next part so i hope you like this one+ i wanna start writing about chosen, jeremy and sophia but i don't know much about them (friends and stuff) so i'll try and come up with some stuff ;) comment what you think will happen next ...

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