11: the recovery🔬

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finn woke up in an unusual place, it obviously want his bed, and it obviously wasn't his room. he sat up, but while he did i felt a huge pain in his back which made him fall back down.
"i saw him move!" jack said. it had been over 13 hours and jack hadn't slept one bit. he wasn't in the room but he could watch in through the glass window between them.
wyatt's mom went to go get a doctor as quick as possible. wyatt, jae and chosen were asleep, jae's head leaning on wyatts shoulder, without them realising. sophia arrived at 8pm and jeremy at 9pm, they weren't asleep. it was 3am so they had to be quiet because of the other patients. jack, sophia and jeremy woke the other boys up and told them what had just happened. wyatt and jaeden pretended that leaning on eachother was disgusting and then focused on finn. they all felt relieved that finn was possibly, hopefully, okay.
"he seems fine, he just need to be in bed rest for the next 48 hours, he can go home!" the tall doctor said before walking out.
jack rant up to finn as fast as possible and hugged him tighter than ever.
"i love you finn, i'm so happy you're okay." jack said whispering in to finns ear.
"jack, be careful!" said wyatts mom, worrying for finns safety.
finns mom hadn't be able to get down there for a while because she was back in canada. she had in the other had got on a plane at 12am so she still hadn't arrived.
they drove finn back to the house, asking him all sorts of questions like, 'are you okay?' or 'was the bed comfy?'. but jack didn't say a word. finn hadn't said anything to him. jack just sat there looking out of the window, every now and then looking back at finn just to feel a little bit better.
"jack?" finn said. everyone had gone to sleep now, it was 5am. the only person awake was wyatts mom, because she was driving. finn looked at jack. jack locking contact with his eyes.
"i love you, jack dylan grazer."

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