Chapter 5

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Nelly's POV

It was quite a morning I was having, I couldn't believe how easy these applicants made my plan
It was like the most incompetent people in Lagos were all here this morning
I heard a knock on my door, another incompetent applicant I thought, oh well
'Come in' I answered
the knock sounded again
What the hell!
What happened next I couldn't have imagined

Entering my office was a familiar face
The girl from the bank??
No! her friend, the pathetic one
Oh!, what was that famous saying about first impressions again
She sat in front of me
'Good morning S..sir' I .... she stuttered
and immediately she made eye contact with me
It was as though her soul was set on fire
I could see the evident anger in her eyes as she fell silent
"What is your name?"
  I asked
It's all in here she said sliding her
file across the table towards me
What is your name??  I asked again not receiving the file
'Rose Long-John' she said
Miss Long-John I repeated opening up her file and looking through it
'Are you not going to apologise' I asked without looking up
With all due respect Sir she replied "I have nothing to apologise for as I am not the one with who you had the misunderstanding",
"I would think Sir that you would be the one apologising" she finished
'You would think'  I scoffed
"Yes sir"she replied seemingly clueless
'That would be all Miss' I said without looking up
But....she started in protest
"That would be all"  I repeated returning her file to her
She retrieved it and left without another word.

Rose's POV

Today had come close to being the worst day of my life
It was like there was a force on this earth that didn't want me getting a job
If not why....?
My one chance at finally getting a good job after so long and what more in my field of study with a renowned company
And it had to be that guy at the bank who would turn out to be Mr O'Brian
Out of the how many thousand people in Lagos
Oh God Why! I couldn't believe it
As I sat on the bed in my Apapa home tears whelmed up in my eyes
threatening to pour
My phone rang but I ignored it
Why? why?why? I questioned as I cried
I didn't even get a chance to try for it  I complained
But the nerve of that guy asking me for an apology I said
wiping the tears from my face
Oh! because he saw I needed a job
So I should beg him for a job I am qualified for
Never! Why would I do that, I would rather do business than beg that spoilt brat with an over inflated ego
For what na
"Mtcheew I don suffer" I said out loud
My phone rang again startling me
And this time I picked up
Baby gurl... What's up? Mary chirped
"I'm OK o" I lied
How was your interview? this one wey you no call me she added in pidgin English
'Can you imagine?" I said  before I could stop myself
"Gimme gist na" she demanded
And I went ahead to tell her all that had happened
Reliving the whole day's event
My insides cringing with anger and sadness
As I spoke every word.

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