Chapter 6

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Nelly's POV

Today had been boring except for the little unexpected event that had occurred earlier
As I pulled into the driveway of my family's home I couldn't help but think
it had been a while since I had been here and I wasn't sure if it was still a home
After my dad had died years ago, and I was to oversee the family business
I had delegated my duties to my mum and runoff to business school on my return to Nigeria, I had gotten my own place and stayed there
I walked into the house I knew all too well,
I greeted Lisa my mom's personal nurse
And as I  ran upstairs to meet her
my mind was flooded with memories from my childhood
she questioned with disbelief, as she sat up in her bed
When she saw me at the door
'Yes mom' I answered
As that was my dad's Yoruba name and also mine as well
She made an attempt to stand but I beat her to it rushing to the bed and hugging her.

My mom's health had taken a downward spiral in these past years
She had cancer and we had done our best to manage it but looking at her now I didn't know how much longer she could hold on
"How are you" she asked
probably noticing the distress on my face
"I'm fine" I answered
Its been so long you came around
"I missed you" she said
'I missed you too mom' I responded
How are things at work? she asked
Hope your holding up just fine
"Work is good mom" I answered
Any gist?  she asked
Well I said,  we just closed a deal with ......
Not that she said cutting me off and cussing under her breath in Yoruba
I mean is there anything interesting happening in your life besides those models?  she added with a faint smile
My mom knew all about my affairs with models and how they never seemed to last for too long
No I sighed  but ......
I went ahead to tell her what had happened in the bank the day before and then today at the office
"And to think that after speaking to me in such a tone she thought she would still get the job" I said
'how naive' I added
"And why not" my mother replied
Why not ? I asked wide eyed with disbelief looking at my mom
'Yes' she replied she didn't do anything wrong to you  she continued,  her friend did
But mom I said in protest
No buts  'Ayo'  let it go
I hope you have heard me
"Yes ma" I answered
as I  wondered what on earth had  made me tell her
But then again she was my mom, my confidant
I told her everything

You know what 'Olu' she said speaking again
And before I could respond she continued
I think you should hire her
What! I screamed
Obviously thinking I heard wrong
"Yes" she said
And why would I want to do that
I asked her
Well first she said
because I told you to and second because you said it yourself her CV is impressive
the only problem is she has no experience which was what your father was all about
giving opportunities to intelligent young people to prove themselves
Plus where better to learn about if not at the prestigious O.C.D.C 
she teased
Mom!  I protested
Ayo she called,  touching me on the shoulder
I know you are man with ego and its telling you otherwise, she said
but listen to me this time, perhaps What do you have to lose?
She asked and that got me thinking.

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