Chapter 2

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Nightmare woke with a gasp. He was under a tree, and Dream was standing in front of him looking worried.
"Nightmare, a-are you ok?"
He didn't respond. He couldn't remember how he got here. He felt as if he was somewhere else before. It was all fuzzy.
Someone was shaking him. It was Dream. He looked different. He looked less... threatening. He wasn't sure, the details were blurred. He looked at his hands. They looked different but he wasn't sure why.
"I'm fine Dream" Nightmare lied. "Just...thinking."
Dream looked convinced, (Wow) not questioning his brother despite it being quite obvious he was not ok. "Oh, ok. You had me scared there for a second." He grinned.
"Oh, uh, I'm sorry" Nightmare half apologized, not bothering to sound sincere.
"Come on!" Dream exclaimed, "Let's-
"Hey- uh, Dream we need some help over here!" Someone called from a few feet away, it was a human. Nightmare felt somehow that this was familiar.
"Ok!" Dream said brightly. "I'll be back in a little while!" He ran towards them.
As soon as he left, a large group of men and monsters came forward. Maybe they need help too, or they could be looking for Dream.
"Hey, are you looking for my brother?"
The large peculiar group whispered among themselves, apparently deciding what to do. He waited patiently.
"If you are I could l-"
A rock had hit him.
"Ow!" Nightmare complained.
Someone from the group snickered, causing a few others to laugh and smile as well.
He cursed under his breath. Why couldn't people just leave him alone?
Another rock sailed by and hit him. And then another one. They collided painfully as he felt his skull chip slightly with each rock that hit him.
"Get a move on! No one wants you here!" A monster sneered.
"Yea! We all know your evil, dont hide it." Another growled.
"How can its brother stand it, if he is the brother!"
They just kept going. They threw rocks, books, glass shards, anything they could find. It wasn't so much the stuff they threw that hurt, it was what they said. He covered his head and stood as still as a rock. Letting them hit him, I mean what's the point? The tree's not much protection. They might go away if he let them do what they wanted.
~Somewhere Else~
Nightmare went missing. No one knew where he went. All they found was, in his room there was some broken glass and a book hastily thrown on the floor.
Error didn't understand. How could some just disappear like that without a trace? Surely Error or someone else could have tracked him down if he went anywhere.
"Error?" A voice called by the door of Nightmare's room.
"WhAT CrOss?" Error replied, feeling a hot spurt of anger for being interrupted.
"I talked with the others" Cross hedged. "And we may have f-few ideas..."
Error crossed over to him, (Pun intended) now alert.
"WeLl THeN. WhAt Are yOur IdEAs?" He glared.
"W-What if Nightmare left willingly, and covered his tracks on purpose so we won't find him?" Cross suggested.
"Or what if it was one of the other Sans that did this?"
Error sighed."ThOSe ArE aLL GoOD iDEas eXCEpT DrEAm or FREsh wOUlDn'T dO tHAt To HIm aND, NIghtMaRe PrEFers To sTAy wHerE tHe MoST nEgAtiVE FeELiNgs ArE, aNd THIs iS a PrEttY DepReSSiNg pLACe."
"What about the other one?" Cross asked.
"MAyBe, I GueSS We'Ll HaVE tO SEe." He grinned maniacally.
Error concentrated on the coding and opened up a portal, glitching slightly in the processes.
"LeTS FiND oUt..."

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