Chapter 4

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It was a pleasant night, until Nightmare woke to the sound of a branch snapping. Carefully, he snuck away from his brother, not wanting to wake him.
He looked around, spotting nothing. All he heard was the call of a few birds that were still awake, and the chatter of cicadas.
Another branch snapped. It sounded closer.
"W-whose out there!" He called. "Show yourself coward!"
At that, a large figure rushed toward him, knocking Nightmare over onto the ground.
"Seriously," The figure hissed. "This is who he sent me after, Tenpatch?"
Another figure stepped out from the dark. It was hard to see what they looked like, but they seemed to be skeletons. At least with Nightmares slight night vision he could make out a few details.
The one called 'Tenpatch' wore a small crown and a scarf that seemed to drip a black substance. Tenpatch had tear-like lines going down his face much like Error. One eye was red and the other, purple.
The other skeleton wore a black hoodie, and a scarf as well, blending in with the dark quite well. One eye was red while the other, curiously seemed to melt slightly. It too, wore a crown, and held a large knife, almost as big as it.
"Nah, I think you just caught him by surprise, Heron." Tenpatch laughed.
"I hope so, I thought Nightmare's dream job was to create pain." Heron snorted, emphasizing the pun. They both laughed.
Nightmare's head was spinning badly, but he lunged at them, attacking Tenpatch. Heron rushed to intercept him, as Nightmare was about to strike.
Nightmare backed up eyeing him coldly while Heron was holding his new wound, clenching his fists in pain. He was breathing hard.
"Well, he's certainly stronger than he looks." Heron remarked, smiling grimly.
Tenpatch rushed toward Heron as he stumbled, catching him. Heron grumbled attempting to shove him off.
"I-I'm fine! Take care of Nightmare!" He ordered.
Nightmare started to run, eager to escape. Without a second thought, Tenpatch surged forward hitting him in the back of the head (skull?). Nightmare felt a sharp pain, and noticed with cold satisfaction, that Heron had collapsed, before falling unconscious.

    ~In the doodle sphere~
Ink wouldn't stop struggling, and it was starting to get on Errors nerves.
"InK! WoULd yOU FuCKinG sTOp ThAT!" Error growled as Ink once again started cutting at the strings that ensnared him. With a flick of his glitched hand, the strings pulled tighter, and Ink stopped struggling. Cross came up to them holding his head(skull?) where the brush had hit him hard. There was a small crack there. He shot a glare at Ink.
Error sneered at him.
"I'M so GlAd to SEe yOu BaCK, afTEr bEiNg DeFEated bY a paInT bRUsH."
"Oh, shut up." Cross grumbled before moving to Error's side.
"So, what are we going to do?" He sighed."He's obviously not going to be cooperative."
He turned to face Cross, grinning, unsettling him.
"WhAt If We InVEsTigatE fOr OuRsElvEs aNd LeaVE hIM?" Error considered.
"But, won't he just escape?" He asked, knowing that leaving Ink, would result in him escaping.
"Oh, i GoT tHaT CoVeRed... I pLaNNEd ThIS oUt."
Error snapped his fingers(?), and a wall of blue strings surrounded the struggling Ink. He walked up to the strings, and threw a stick he picked up, into it. Instantly a siege of strings grabbed it, without giving the stick a chance to hit the ground. Cross backed up. He really, really, did not want to touch that thing.
"Sigh, sure."
Cross felt slightly guilty, but there was no way he was going to tell Error or Ink that. Error would kill him, and crush his and Chara's soul. Ink, well, he wasn't sure, Ink has been more cold and distant lately, making him unsure of what he'd do. Maybe there was still hope for the both of them.
Sorry for the short chapter, I've been caught up in school work. Oh, also, happy very late Halloween! Hope you got a lot of good monster candy! :3 have a good day/night!
Sorry for the few people who read this. I don't have much motivation to write this story anymore. I am going to hand this book over to someone who would love to write it. Just PM me if you'd like to continue this. i will probably start on something that's been kind of an idea for a while now. Have a good day.

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