Chapter 3

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Error emerged from the portal, Cross close behind, tackling him in the prosses. Error huffed, shoving Cross off.
"cAn YoU cONtrOl yOuR TEnDencY tO fALl oN peOPLe?"
"Oh, great we just got here, and I'm already getting sarcastic demands." He grumbled.
"StOP whINinG." He glared, despite certainly just doing that.
"We NEeD tO hURrY."
They looked around and took in the beautiful landscape. Buildings were everywhere, and plants were everywhere as well. Everything was just so bright. Maybe a little too bright.
"UgH" He groaned."lEt'S gEt thIs OvER wItH."
They started to look for the one who lives here, checking anywhere he could be, but he was nowhere to be found. Just as Error was about to give up, he was knocked off his feet and a strange liquid encircled him, stopping him from moving.
Wait a minute...
"Error! What are you doing here!" Ink snapped as he materialised in front of him.
"HeY sQUiD." He struggled.
Cross was sneaking stealthily behind Ink, ready to strike.
"Dammit Error! Would you shut up for once and answer my question, otherwise we'll be here a long time." Ink snarled.
Cross lunged at him, raising his knife. Ink sidestepped and swung his brush at him, hitting him in the face.
Cross collapsed on the floor and didn't get up. Ink poked him with the paintbrush, checking he wasn't playing 'possum. While Ink was distracted, Error managed to get free and rushed towards Ink. He turned around and raised his brush, causing gaster blasters to materialize.
Error didn't stop.
The gaster blasters opened their mouths ready to fire. A loud hissing sound filled the air and then a sudden boom as they fired.
As soon as the it stopped, Ink checked if Error was still alive.
There was no sign of him. Ink let out a sigh of relief, that was one problem taken care of, now to deal with him. He glanced at Cross, still lying on the floor, unconscious.
A glitched yell cut through the air as Error came from behind and grabbed him. Blue strings ensnared Ink, stopping him from using his brush.
"YoU waNTeD tO KnOW wHy I cAMe HeRe?" He growled. "YoU HaVE WhAt I nEEd, AnD yOU'd bEsT tElL mE RiGHt nOw..." Error threatened, tightening the strings around Ink.
He stared at him as if he suddenly grew an extra head.
"Really? What makes you think I'd tell you, the destroyer of AUs, what happened?" He snorted. "Do I have 'stupid' tattooed on my forehead?"
Error sighed, he hadn't expected it to be that easy honestly. Welp, I guess it time for plan B...
What could go wrong, I mean, its just Ink.
           ~back in Dreamtale~
Dream came back from helping the humans to find Nightmare covered in scratches and small chips were all over his skull. It looked as if he'd been crying. Nightmare tried to hide it though, what would be the point of worrying his brother?
His memories had been coming back slowly, making him question himself. Without the apple's power clouding his mind, he was a lot more caring. Most of the time anyways..
"B-brother! What happened?" Dream cried.
"Oh, nothing I- I just was clumsy today." He stammered.
"Brother! Be more careful!" He scolded, rushing up to Nightmare, enveloping him in a hug.
Nightmare stiffened, he knew it had been a while since anyone showed him such care. He remembered how everyone had hated him, and he had felt all their anger and hatred of him as he walked near. They judged him before he even did anything to them.
"Come on! Let's get you cleaned up!" Dream grinned.
His brother all but dragged him as they went to a sheltered spot under the tree.
Dream spent the rest of the afternoon helping Nightmare. Even when he refused, insisting he was perfectly fine and that it was only a couple scratches, he didn't back down.
Nightmare finally slowed down as the night came, and started yawning more than talking. Not too long after that they both fell asleep leaning against each other.
Their light breathing filled the air as the whole town went quiet.
~holy- over 700 words! my hands are tired, I wrote this in less than a day.  Oh well :3

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