Hoodie made my old school go into lockdown...

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Basically, a few years back, I went to a school called Peninsula Elementary. One day, we were all in our classrooms, doing our school work, when the Loud speaker went off. "This is not a drill... School lockdown..." And the teacher shut off all the lights, and told us to hide. Just before the lockdown, I saw hoodie walking around my campus, with a black gun in his hand. Two girls started sobbing, and I scooted over to them, hugging them and whispering that everything was gonna be okay. A few seconds later, heavy footsteps, like someone wearing boots, neared our classroom door. One girl whispered a little too loudly to go away, and hoodie slammed his fists on the door, whispering my name repeatedly, saying how he knew I was in there, and told me to come out. The teacher said no, and multiple shots were heard. Nobody was hurt, but hoodie was very pissed off. The two girls screamed at him to leave, and he pointed his gun at the door, tapping it. He told the class that if I came out, he would leave, but not without me. I slowly stood up, and my teacher shook her head 'No' more than once. I approached the door, and parted the curtain for the glass on the door. I asked him what he wanted, and he said "You." And that's when police sirens were heard. I heard him mutter 'shit.' And he ran off. I heard he was looking for me several years later, from a friend of mine named alaura, who suddenly vanished.

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