Chapter 1: Intro

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Okay, my first story on this site, I hope that people actually read it. Enjoy!!! 

   Giselle Argall awoke in the forests of Allegoria that night as the sun set over the horizon and stars were appearing in the night sky. 

   "Giselle, where are you going?" Her tiny six-year-old sister Arabella yawned and sat up from under the tree where her siblings and she slept.

   "Shh, go back to sleep Bella, I'm just going on a job, I will be back in the morning. Try not to wake the others," She whispered soothingly to her.

   "I hate you going on these jobs." Giselle heard her mumble before going back to sleep beside her brothers.

   This statement made Giselle ache inside. She wished that she never had to work and break the law either, but she couldn't have gone back home, with her father as drunk as he was, and the children had to survive on their own.

   The falling of the family, the Argall's, is a tragic story still being told in the State of Allegoria. I would rather not get into it, it still hurts too much. Giselle's parents were rich, and had enough money to hold a position in the government. It's a horrible system, our government. People get appointed and stay in position by offering money to our Leader, so the rich are always in power, and the poor suffer below them. However, that is all I will say for now.

   She never thought about the poor starving outside on the streets as a child, the family was too wrapped up inside their own spoiled fantasies, and probably could not fathom the life the children are living right now. It all started when Giselle got Jaso, a horrible disease common in the ancient days, though very, very rare at the time she caught it.

   When her mother Bianca heard, she tried to rush immediately home, and ran into a group of Enforcers. Bianca Argall's fate was a terrible one, and I would rather not think about it, it still gives me nightmares to this day. Giselle did not know it at the time, but she was working for the revolution, a crime punishable by death in the State.

   Bianca Argall was executed as soon as they caught her.

   Straight after, her brother Rolfe disappeared, and neither of us have seen him since, but Giselle could always remember their last conversation.

   She was so sick, everyone thought she would die. "Rolfe, where are you going?" The child asked hoarsely.

   "On a trip, shh, you just stay here and rest. I'll be back before you know it, my rose." He walked out of the door, and that was the last time they saw him. Giselle's father Marcellus was fired, spent the last of their money on liquor, also blaming her for the recent turn of events. He started beating the girl and her siblings, so they ran away, sick and all.

   Luckily Giselle's friend Saxon had her go to a doctor and get treated for the disease. The boy was a saint, really, kind and gentle, loving to all, no matter what. They had even been arranged to be married when they were both born, though after Bianca died, it fell through. 

   The damage to her daughter was done though, and it had eaten the left side of her cheek away to the bone, leaving horrible pain and scarring to this day.

   As much as Giselle hated to admit it, she would have been dead without Saxon, though she still refused when he offered them money or shelter. It would have been nice for her sister and two brothers, Blain and Paxton, but he was very wealthy, and she was not. Giselle thought would be impossible to hide them, and his parents disapproved of people like her, and especially her.

   Even though she had been banned from the school, she still hid in the shed and listened to the lessons. "That's the only way I can guarantee a better future for my siblings and myself, getting an education means getting a job, and getting a job means getting money," Giselle had said. Money was the only thing you needed in this world to succeed, it's horrible really.

   She gave up the idea of being able to marry into a rich family years ago, not with the reputation she had made for myself, and her scarred face. But many women had jobs in those days, I was sure she could make her own way in the world.

   The girl dashed down the streets of the alleyway, trying not to be seen. The Enforcers have warranted her and her siblings' arrest since her mother helped in the revolution, and if they are able to capture her, the people who depend on the child will die. The family would all die, and I couldn't believe it, killing innocent children who have done nothing wrong.

   I feel obligated to introduce myself now. I am Kleio, I am dead. The events in which I am describing took place long, long ago. I watch over Giselle and her family now. The Father has given me a high ranking for my sacrifices in The World, so now I watch over all. I can see the events of which I speak, but also the Fire that took place almost two thousand years ago. I can also see the future, though I cannot speak of it with my mouth, I am cursed not to.

   I can see what happens thousands of years before, though I do not like to dwell on it. People were corrupt, abandoned The Father. But they also had large, colored, panthers with glowing, yellow eyes. They had white falcons which carried people in the sky, and so much more. Things have changed much since then.

   You may think that all of this is a very fine gift, though I might argue the opposite. I have also been given the dreadful task of recording all of the history so that The Father (who is a very busy deity with a short memory and many duties) can view it when necessary. It also hurts to be a ghost looking down on the people below, seeing people hurt and killed but not being able to prevent any of it. I am just here, and I always will be, invisible, but seeing all.

   Though I may or may not do so while describing these events, I could also change these events, twist the tales, manipulate them to dance however I please. However, I may not do so, though you never can tell. That is all, I am much less of an interesting person, and have achieved much less in my lifetime than Giselle Argall, so I must get back to the tale.

   Her most frequent employer, Gethin (whom I personally dislike, and cannot trust), was the one who called the girl. He was a huge, hulking man-beast eight feet tall, and with skin as black as coal. As you can tell, he is not from here. They do not know this, but there are others of his kind, though time has forgotten them. No one in Allegoria had dark skin except Gethin, as everyone is descended from the Cardonians now (all you must know is that it's history, very complicated, don't ask).

   Everyone but Giselle's family, that is. They were the last natives in the State, with their red hair and tan skin. They stand out in a place filled with people of pale skin, and brown or blonde hair. Her heritage was not something to be proud of, she was looked down upon, even when her father was in power.

   As she neared Gethin's hideout, she contemplated taking this job, as she usually does with all of them. Although, her strive to protect her family always wins. However, the things he makes her get for him are nearly impossible to acquire, and his patience has been running thin with the girl lately, anyone with eyes to see could tell. She always knew that if she failed, she would be punished severely.

Author's Note: Dear Lord, copy-pasting on this site is a nightmare! If anyone comments, I'll try to reply. I hope this story isn't trash. Till next time!!

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