Chapter 5

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Mal's POV

    If Harry is going to flirt with every girl in sight, this mission is a bust because he and Uma are dating and he doesn't like any type of affection. Flirting, hugs, kissing, holding hand, etc. After Harry was cleared from the hospital we headed to the library for research. Apparently we weren't the only ones. 

    Henry was there and it was well, awkward because Violet was there. 

"Did you flirt with Violet?" Henry growled at Harry as we approached them. Harry smirked and nodded. 

"What you gonna do 'bout it?" Harry teased. Henry looked ready to blow up.

"When my grandparents hear this it will end badly. You are lucky I won't tell either of my moms."

"I will hurt you Codfish Boy." I threatened Harry. He rolled his eyes.

"Whatever Dragon Girl. And moms? Really?"

Henry's face turned red. and muttered something along the lines 'it's not what you think'. Violet started to  rub his back to calm him down. I sighed. What have we gotten into. We haven't even been here a week and we are already causing trouble! What a mess.

We left the library because Harry and Henry were acting like children. So, we left to go back to the ship. 

"Friendly relations are easier without Harry." Everyone, but Harry agreed.

"Hey, I'm not that bad. Gil is worse"

"When it comes to being evil, yes. But when it comes down to being nice, you are in dead last." Uma smirked and swatted Harry away.

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