Chapter 19

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To Mal, watching a movie  with Killian, Emma, and Henry, felt safe. She knew they wouldn't let anything bad happen to her. There was a thought in the back of her head the entire time she was watching Peter Pan. 'That's not what he's really like.' Mal kept thinking that, but she didn't want to seem crazy so she held her tongue.

"So, are you really telling me that this Disney person made Pan the good guy? Why? Why would he do that?" Killian asks.

"It's easy to hate pirates," Emma shrugs.

"Rude, Swan."

"What? You were really annoying and easy to hate when we first met."

"He was a pirate?" Mal whispers to Henry.

"I'll explain, later, come to my room after they go to bed." Henry whispers back.

"I would like to say, that you were not a nice person either."


"I'm going to bed!" Killian exclaims. Emma laughs and follows Killian upstairs.

"Let me guess, they didn't show you your room? Come on, I'll take you." 

"You seem very accommodating to a stranger who is living in your house."

"Yeah, well, you lost your memory and pretty much everyone in town knows what that's like."

"So, you guys live crisis to crisis?"

"Sort of? It's been a while, but always on edge, constant vigilance and all that."

"Alright, well explain to me, what the hell Killian meant by being a pirate."

"Alright, just keep an open mind and don't leave any possibility out."

"Ominous, alright, share."

"Um, let's go upstairs. My room is more protected than the living room."


"I'll explain upstairs."

Mal followed Henry upstairs to his room and he shuts the door.

"Henry, you would tell me if were going to murder me, right?"

"What? Why would I murder you in my room? My parents are just down the hall." Henry gave Mal a weird grin and she starts to slide closer to the door.

"I'm not going to murder you." 

"Ok, but I'm still going to hang by the door."

"Ok, your call."

"So what's the deal with your town? Why do so many people lose their memories? And what the hell did Killian and Emma mean when they were talking about pirates? Why is it easy to hate pirates? Was he a pirate? Is pirate a metaphor for something?"

"What would pirate be a metaphor for? And here, sit in the chair and I'll explain."

"Ok, but is the chair going to strap me down to it so I can't escape? Is this how I'm going to die? That's cruel Henry."

"Ah your right, I shouldn't give you this chair, you can use this one." 

"Shut up."

"Hey you questioned me, I'm not going to kill you."

"Fine, alright, just tell me."

"Alright, do you want the real truth or the lie we tell people who don't visit?"

"What? The truth?" Mal seemed to be more confused than Killian trying to figure out modern technology.

"We never have to explain anything to anyone because the people who come here either don't care about the history because they have bad intentions or already know what the deal is in Storybrooke. So where to start?"

"The beginning is always a good place to start."

"Ok, thanks," Henry rolls his eyes. 

"So, my mother Regina Mills adopted me as a baby and when I was eleven I went to Boston? think it was Boston and found Emma, my birth mother. Emma took me back here and I told her that there was a curse on this town." Henry goes on to explain how the curse was broken and the events that followed; Emma and Mary Margaret getting sent to the Enchanted Forrest, Henry being kidnapped and taken to Neverland,  meeting Elsa, Emma being the Dark One, the entire family going to Hell to rescue Killian, and then more complicated things, and more stories in between.

"Wait so, Killian has been with your mom and you maternal grandma? And Emma is your step grand aunt as well as your mom? And also, what the hell? Are you joking? This isn't funny."

"Yeah, our family tree is complicated and no, it's my paternal grandmother, which doesn't make it better."

"So to get this straight, everyone in this town is a fairytale character?"

"Yeah, for the most part."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"You seem trustworthy."

"But, why? You don't know me."

"I don't know, I'm trusting my gut."

"Ok, well since you trusted me with your secret, can I trust you with mine?"

"Well it's sort of a secret, sort of not, but sure, whatever you tell me, I won't say anything."

Mal nods and purses her lips.

"Evie's the daughter of the Evil Queen. Audrey is Sleeping Beauty's kid. Jane's Fairy Godmother's daughter. Chad is Prince Charming and Cinderella's kid. Ben's the son of the Beast and Belle. Carlos is Cruella De Vil's son. Jay is Jafar's kid. Doug is the son of one of the seven dwarf's, Dopey if you are wondering. Harry is Captain Hook's kid, Uma is Ursula's daughter, and Gil is Gaston's son. Lonnie is the daughter of Mulan. and I'm the daughter of Maleficent and Hades."

"Ok, are you joking? Mulan doesn't have a daughter. And neither does Regina, she can't get pregnant, it's a whole thing. And Fairy Godmother? Gold killed her to get her wand. What the hell?"

"Look, all my information came from Ben and Evie, and I trust them, or I'm supposed to trust them. I know it sounds insane, but it's insane, but it has to be true."

"Why does it have to be true?"

"I don't know! Because if it's not true, then the people who I'm supposed to love and trust are lying to me!"

"Hey, it's ok, I believe you, both our stories sound insane, but we'll figure it out. What else did they tell you?"

"That we are from a place called Auradon."

"Anything else?"

"That Ben and I are dating, although Evie may have mentioned that Harry and I briefly dated. Or maybe it was serious, she wasn't very clear."

"Ok, the only helpful part was the Auradon thing, no offense, but I don't care about your love life."


"I'm just trying to be honest."

"Hey are you guys still up?" Emma stands in the door way, rubbing her eyes.

"Yeah, sorry mom," Henry says.

"It's fine, we have a busy day tomorrow, can we get some sleep please?"

"Sure, yeah, of course." Mal follows Emma to the guest room and lies on the bed. She hadn't realized how tired she was until her head hit the pillow, then she was out like a light.

Gold watched Mal through her mirror, plotting is next move and wondering how far he could go. 

"What will you do without your memories? The only thing that can save you is true love's kiss and if you can't remember a love, how will you know if they are your true love?" He murmurs to himself.

"I will break you Maleficent Bertha."

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