Chapter 10

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Upon entering Granny's, the Auradonians see Regina, Henry, Emma, and Killian sitting at a booth. 

"Well Lonnie, you offered to talk to them, now is your chance," Uma smirks.

"Shut up Uma," Mal sighs.

"Alright, everyone split up into tables, pirates, princesses, princes, and my group," Mal directs. 

"Yes ma'am," Jay smirks.

"Jay you have been kicked out of my group, Lonnie you will be replacing him, Jay sit with the pirates," Mal frowns.

"Aw come on M, I was just joking."

"I don't care, Lonnie, Evie, and Carlos, let's sit here. Mal gestures to an empty booth. Carlos slides into one side and Lonnie slides in next to him. Evie and Mal take the other side. 

Regina, Henry, Emma, and Killian are at the far booth and out of earshot.

"So do you have a plan for talking to them?" Mal asks Lonnie. 

"No? Not really, sorry Mal," Lonnie apologizes. 

"Figure something out please?" 

Mal stares out the window, thinking about Arthur and thinking about Gold.  Granny comes and takes their order and Mal look at over at Emma's table, where Regina is looking at her, trying to figure her out. 

"We don't fit in here, do we? Our clothes are too fancy or too scuffed up and our hair is too bright," Mal sighs.

"Are you just realizing this?" Carlos grins.

"Shut up, I will make you go sit with Chad," Mal warns.

"Alright, shutting up now," Carlos sips his iced tea and stays quiet. Lonnie abruptly gets up and walks over to Henry's table and starts talking. 

"She's very bold," Evie comments.

"Maybe, or maybe she's just impulsive," Mal narrows her eyes as she watches Lonnie. Lonnie brings Henry over to their table and asks Mal to join them outside. 

"What's going on?" Mal asks as she steps out the door. 

"I may have slipped up," Lonnie frowns. 

"How did you mess up? What did you do?" Mal glares at Henry and Lonnie.

"She said she needed to talk to me and then we went somewhere my parents couldn't hear and she said that she was the daughter of Mulan," Henry says. Mal's eyes bug out of her skull. Her heart starts to hammer out of her chest and she can see that nothing good will happen next. 

"I'm sorry Mal."

"Is that true? Is she the daughter of Mulan? I know Mulan, she doesn't have any kids and she's in love with Aurora." 

"No, no that is so dumb!" Deny, deny, deny, deny, that is the only way to go forward. 

"You are lying," Henry says confidently. 

"No! Lonnie and I are in a play at school?" Is that convincing? No, no it isn't.

"What's the play about?"

"Um? The children of fairytale characters?" 

"Continue to lie, sure, my family will find out about your secrets," Henry walks back inside Granny's leaving a nervous Mal and Lonnie. 

"Are you mad?"

"No, not yet, but we really need to go. With our traits it won't be hard to figure it all out." 

The secrets will be out soon and nothing can stop them. 

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