Chapter 21

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Henry brings out a map of Storybrooke and his story book.

''Do you do this often?" Mal stares at Henry confused.

"More than I'd like."

"You neglected to mention this last night."


"Thanks for the intelligent conversation." Henry shoots Mal a smile and turns back to setting things up.

"You've been messing with that map for the last ten minutes, what the hell are you doing?"

"Writing out my family tree, what do you think I'm doing? I'm arranging the map so we can see where you've been and who you have made enemies with already."

"Well, if you've forgotten, I have lost my memory."

"Well, I wouldn't know, you haven't mentioned it in the last hour."

"Why are you being so moody?"

"I'm not." 

"Tell that to your face." Mal taps Henry on the shoulder. Henry gives her a glare and turns back to the map.

"See, that face is not pleasant, what's wrong?"

"I don't understand how you lost your memory, I don't understand why you guys are here, and my girlfriend cancelled our plans because your friends asked her too."

"How is that my fault?" 

"I didn't say it was," Henry snapped.

"Then stop taking it out on me!" Mal yelled at Henry, gesturing with her hands. In the other room a book falls off the shelf. 

"What the hell?" Henry and Mal walk over to see which book fell. 

"Why do you have that book?" Mal asks. The book isn't anything special, just a battered copy of When Worlds Collide by Edwin Balmer and Phillip Wylie.

"Emma's? I don't know, I've never read it."

"Is it Killian's?"

"I don't think he can read," Henry grins.

"Why wouldn't he be able to read?"

"I just don't think he can," Henry shrugs. He picks up the book and notices all the pages are glued together, so it is entirely unreadable. It's a funny title, but what made this book fall.

"Ok, so did you finish your map?" Mal asks.

"No, when would I have done that? I got distracted by the mysterious falling book." 

"So go finish your map," Mal rolls her eyes. Henry begrudgingly returns to his map and Mal sits at the counter, waiting for him.

"So, we know you've been to the hospital and granny's. And Jefferson's house. Where else have you been?"

"Henry, right now I am suffering from this thing called amnesia, which means I have lost my memory. I don't know where else I have been."

Henry rolls his eyes and tries to remember where he's seen Mal and her friends go to. There is a knock at the door and Mal goes to answer it.

"You know this isn't your house right?" Henry asks as he joins her at the door.


"Nevermind." Henry opens the door and sees Ben, Harry, and Carlos on his porch.

"This seems like a fun combination," Henry frowns.

"Can we come in, we need to talk to Mal and Harry wants to do something..." Carlos says,

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