Chapter 16

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Emma drove to the hospital and called Regina on the way.

"What the hell do you want Miss Swan? I was sleeping."

"Regina, we've got a problem, Mal, one of the kids who appeared in town, has lost her memory. I need you to help me." 

"Why did I change? I can never get a goodnight sleep anymore."

"Just meet me at the hospital soon, and tell my parents and Henry to find the kids."

"And what is Captain Guyliner going to be doing?"

"Killain can't help, he's a bit tied up at the moment."

"Tied up with what exactly?"

"Not the point, just come on Regina."

"Fine, I'm sending your parents to your house, you deal with it yourself, I need sleep."

"No! Please, I'll pay for you and Robin to go to dinner or something, just don't go to my house!"

"What are you so ashamed of Miss Swan?"

"Just promise me you won't go to my house."

"Fine, but you owe me Miss Swan. I'll meet you at the hospital."

"Who is Captain Guyliner? And Killian? And why can't they help me?" Mal frowns.

"It doesn't matter, lets just hope my family can find your friends and that we can restore your memory." Emma looks at the purple haired teenager sitting next to her. Mal looked so lost and scared. All Emma could do right now is hope for the best. 

"Can you remember anything?"

"Your name is Emma." Mal says. 

"Ok," Emma sighs. This wasn't helpful information, she told Mal her name so Mal would get in the car.

"Do you remember anything else?" 

"I remember how to speak?" Mal answers.

"Ok, anything else? Any people, do you remember who your mom is? Any boyfriends? Bestfriends?" 

"I'm trying, but everything is coming up blank." 

"Ok um...we're at the hospital, let's get a doctor to look at you. Or maybe Regina? Or Gold?" Emma takes Mal inside the hospital. 

"Where is a doctor? Dr. Whale?" Emma calls to some nurses. 

"We'll find him." 

"Who's Dr. Whale? Is he a good doctor?"

"He's our doctor." 

"That doesn't tell me if he's good or not." 

"Yeah, I know. "

"Emma?" Mal turns around and sees a dark haired woman. 

"Regina, help me find Whale, or maybe you can tell me what is wrong with her. No one in Storybrooke looses their memory for no reason." 

"What do I look like, your doctor? Where the hell is Whale?" Regina yells at the nurses, who scramble to go find the doctor. 

"Regina, she was at Jefferson's house, her memory is gone. What do you think happened?"

"Maybe Gold got to her before I could." Mal's eyes bug out of her head. 

"Get me? What does that mean?"

"I mean erase your memory and send you home, obviously you've lost your memory, and now we should send you home."

"Regina, she doesn't even know her own name, I doubt she knows where she is from. Do you?" Emma looks at Mal. Mal shakes her head no.

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