Chapter 17

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Mal stares up at the doctor, her nerves being sent over the edge.

"What's wrong with me? Why can't I remember anything?" Mal asks.

"You could have hit your head. Could be something else...but I'll get to the bottom of it." Dr. Whale tries to assure Mal.

"What else could it be because I don't think I hit my head, my head doesn't hurt and I don't feel dizzy."

"Look, just relax, everything will be fine." Mal stares at Dr. Whale, whose been pacing the room for a long time now. And she can't figure out what's wrong with her. She needs to know what happened. 

"Who are you?" Mal asks the doctor.

"My name is Dr. Whale. I'm sure you heard the name while they were looking for me."

"Yeah, Dr. Whale," Mal look over the doctor's shoulder and at the door.

Dr. Whale did a few routine tests and asked Mal a few questions.

"Where do you live?'

"I don't know."

"What is your name? Your full name?"

"My name is Mal..."

"Who are your parents?"

"I don't know." 

"I'm going to talk to Emma and Regina, and I've been told that some of your friends are here to see you, don't worry if you can't remember anything, these things take time."

"But you didn't diagnose me."

"Don't worry about that."

"Did you even go to medical school?" Dr. Whale leaves before he can answer the question. 

Mal watches Dr. Whale leave, and the door closes behind him. 

"Think Mal, think. Where do I live? Who are my parents? Why the hell is my hair purple?" Mal asks herself.

"I think we can help answer those questions." Evie walks into the room, Ben, Doug, Jane, Audrey, and Chad walking in behind her.

"Some more than others," Evie murmurs.

"Who are you guys?"

"I'm Evie, your best friend. Jane and Doug are friends, Audrey and Chad can drop dead, and Ben is your boyfriend."

"Ok, where do I live?"

"In Auradon, it's far away from here, but everything will be fine. We were able to reach Carlos and Jay, your two other best friends, and Uma, Harry, and Gil, pirate people, not sure if they are friends or if they want us dead, but it will be fun when we find out. Lonnie was also there, and she is the absolute best. Anyways, they are on their way back with Fair Godmother. She'll cure you of whatever the hell happened to you."

"Who are my parents?"

"Maleficent and Hades." Ben takes this question.

"That's a funny joke, no seriously, who are my parents?"

"Maleficent and Hades," Ben says. "Look I know it's hard to believe, but it's true, believe me. Evie's the daughter of the Evil Queen. Audrey is Sleeping Beauty's kid. Jane's Fairy Godmother's daughter. Chad is Prince Charming and Cinderella's kid. I'm the son of the Beast and Belle. Carlos is Cruella De Vil's son. Jay is Jafar's kid. Doug is the son of one of the seven dwarf's, Dopey if you are wondering. Harry is Captain Hook's kid, Uma is Ursula's daughter, and Gil is Gaston's son. Lonnie is the daughter of Mulan. Am I forgetting anyone?"

"I don't think you missed anyone." Jane says. 

"That is a lot of information and most of that sounds crazy, but ok? Honestly I don't know what to believe." Mal sighs.

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