Chapter 11

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The Aurodonians leave Granny's after paying for their food. 

"Guys, we have to go back to the ship," Mal says urgently.

"What's going on, don't murder someone?" Jane says nervously.

"Is that a question? Because if it is a question, I have my answer," Mal glares at the street. 

"Guys, it's my fault I slipped up," Lonnie sighs. They walk to the boat in silence. Mal paces the ship, the gears in her head turning, trying to figure out how to clean up this mess. 

"Mal do you have a plan or are you going to pace until there is a hole in my deck?" Uma glares at the daughter of Maleficent and moves to stop her. 

"How could you have slipped like that? What did you say?" Mal glares at Lonnie. 

"I said, 'Hey Henry, can I talk to you?' and he said sure. I pulled him aside and I said, "Hi, I'm Lonnie, daughter of Mulan, we've met before.' and then I said stopped talking because he gave me a strange look and I froze, hearing what I said and I now regret every decision I ever made," Lonnie cowers under Mal's stare. 

"Does your brain work? Like does it function? How can you be so stupid?" Mal yells. 

"Mal, stop, you are making her cry!" Evie says. It was true, Lonnie was starting to tear up. 

"Like that matters, we need to cover our asses, this is bad guys," Uma growls.

"As much as I hate to admit this Uma is right," Mal sighs.

"We have two options, come out proud of who our parents are and where we come from, or do Uma's idea, cover our um...asses," Ben says awkwardly.

"I'm not proud of my parents Ben! I'm not proud of the Isle!" Mal yells.

"Mal, calm down," Evie reaches for Mal's arm. 

"No! I'm not going to calm down. I can't, we can't come clean about our lives, we aren't supposed to exist." 

"What are you talking about, why do you keep saying that?" Audrey asks. 

"Something Gold said, 'She wanted a way to live peacefully, well as peacefully as you can when you practice dark magic.' He created Auradon, for my mother. But this place has a Maleficent, so who is my mother? Is she the real Maleficent? Are our parents the real deal or are they fake?" 

"Mal, why don't you tell us anything?" Ben asks.

"I tell you guys stuff, not everything, but some things?"

"Mal, you don't, and if we are going to be stuck with each other we will need to know everything," Uma sighs.

"You don't need to know everything, if I told you everything some of you would be running for the hills," Mal stares at Chad and Doug. 

"Hey, I would not run!" Chad says.

"Really?  You wouldn't run? I think you would run," Uma rolls her eyes. 

"Shut up, pirate scum!" Chad yells.

"Be quiet prince tight-ass," Uma glares at Chad.

"Both of you shut up, god!" Mal glares at everyone, her eyes narrowing at Uma and Chad. 

"We need a plan and for that to succeed there is someone else we'll need." Mal looks at everyone and then up at the sky. Pursing her lips, she takes a deep breath and blurts the name out. 

"Maleficent, we'll need my mother." 

"No! M, that means going back to Auradon! There has to be another way. And besides we have a meeting with Arthur and you have a meeting with Arthur. Mal, involving your mother is the worse idea, you've ever had," Evie says. 

"Yeah, you are probably right, but she knows Gold, what other choice do we have?" 

"There are so many other choices Mal, using Maleficent can't be our only option," Ben pleads. 

"Ben, I hate it as much as you do, but this is our best bet, so who's going to get my mom?"

"Um, you?" Audrey suggests.

"Um, no," Mal rolls her eyes. 

"Uma, Harry, Gil, and one other person has to go, I suggest you take Jay, Lonnie, or Evie." Mal stares at Ben, hoping he'll have something to say. 

"We'll take Jay and Lonnie, you guys meet with Arthur, and Mal will meet with the pawnbroker, we'll be back in two days," Uma says. Everyone except the pirates, Jay, and Lonnie get off the boat. Uma's boat ride's off into the sea. 

"I hope this work's," Mal murmurs under her breath.

Sunset is approaching and they need to find the vault graveyard. 

"Don't say anything, don't give any information to Arthur, we don't know who he is or what he wants," Evie warns. 

"She's right, we need to be smart about this," Ben agrees. 

"Let's go to the graveyard," Jane sighs. No one speaks on the way to the graveyard, no one knows what to say. They reach the graveyard, but they don't see a vault. 

"What is it supposed to look like?" Audrey complains.

"I don't know? Evie can you use your mirror to find it?" Mal asks. Sighing, Evie nods and brings out her mirror. After a few moments the vault appears on the glass, and Ben scans the graveyard to see where the vault is."

"Over there!" He points to a columned building. 

They make their way to the building and as they get closer they see Arthur.

"Glad you could make it," He smiles maliciously.  

Mal gives Arthur a dark look, but Arthur keeps on smiling. 

"Arthur take a break, I'll handle them," An accent sends chills down Mal's spine. 

"Of course Pan," Arthur bows his head and disappears. 

They turn around and see a teenage boy dressed in green, his face contorted in a smirk and his eyes gleam of mischief. 

"Peter Pan?" Evie gasps.

"And we sent Harry away, why?" Mal laughs.

"Aren't you one of the good guys?" Ben asks. A laugh escapes from Pan's throat. 

"Arthur mentioned you where from a different land, let me guess the one my son made for that woman he was so fond of." 

"Who's your son?" Mal's brow furrows. 


"I'm going to be sick," Audrey declares. 

"What do you want?" Mal asks, ignoring Audrey's comment. 

"To talk, what's the harm in talking?" 

"Depends on who you're talking to," Evie answers. 

"Don't worry, I'm not your foe, not yet anyways, you may be of use to me. After all you got rid of your pirates," Pan grins. 

"Again, we got rid of Harry why?"

"So what do you say Mal? Wanna have a little chat?"

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