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The wake of Saturday rolls through Patrick's bedroom, its sunlight spilling onto the walls and gradually onto him. He realizes he is awake at an ungodly hour. With a sigh, he rolls over and flips his phone open, clearing notifications. He squints at the blurry screen, then fumbles for his glasses before applying them onto his face.

3 Messages From Witch

Patrick furrows his brow, wondering what she's doing up so early. The question applies for himself too. He heaves another sigh and opens her messages.

Hey, u up?
When u get this, let's meet @ the park!
Tom wnt b there >;-p

He disconnects his phone from the charger and replies.

If ur still up, let's go!

A minute passes and Patrick gets a response.

It's YOU who needs 2 go lol. I'll c u there

Patrick chuckles at her answer and gets out of bed. He pulls on the first set of clean clothes he sees scattered about his messy room as he makes his way to the bathroom to freshen up. He glances back at his guitar and notebook.

Patrick had written a song late at night but wasn't sure if he could show anyone. It was like a look into his buzzing mind. He certainly couldn't bear to feel that vulnerable.

This Nia we're talking about, Patrick reminds his conscience. He could trust her with anything. Patrick heaves a long sigh and gathers his music items, keys, and phone as he slips on a pair of shoes before leaving the house, venturing towards the park. He lugs his guitar case on his back, seeing Nia on the swing set at their local park past the morning fog.

Patrick claims the swing next to her and they exchange a smile.

"What's up with the guitar, 'Trick?" Nia chuckles as she nods at the guitar case Patrick sets down beside him. "You're gonna serenade me?"
"Yeah, in your dreams," Patrick laughs. "I can trust you, right?"
"Eleven years would've been a waste if you can't," she states with a smirk. "What's the Ghostbuster hiding in his suit?"
"I-I, uh... I wrote a song," Patrick stammers. "I guess I wanna hear your feedback on it?"
"Totally," Nia grins. Patrick perks up and obtains his notebook. He flips through the collection of ideas and find the one he had worked on last night before handing it over to his best friend.

"Great! Thank you!" he chirps as he takes out his guitar. "I'm going to need your honest opinion, though."
"Who's this about?" Nia asks as she scans through the lyrics. Patrick's chest slightly clenches at the question. He hides it with a smile and props his guitar comfortably.
"No one specific," he says. "Just something I kind of dabbled up last night. You ready?"
"Yeah," she smiles. Nia leans over to share the page of lyrics with Patrick so he can reference his notes. He starts strumming his guitar, gathering the courage to sing. He's done it before in front of Nia. Many times. She was there for every concert his high school band, Patterson, performed at, most of them in small parties. Only he was the drummer of the band, not the spotlight singer with the guitar.

"You need him? I could be him. I could be your accident but I'm still trying! And I'm not as good enough as him..." Patrick finishes singing the lyrics he had created in the late hours. "Uh, that's all I have so far. I think it's kinda stupid—"
"No no no!" Nia interrupts. Her smile seems to grow wider even though Patrick didn't think it to be possible. "It's great, Buster! You have a great voice, bud!"
"Thank you," Patrick smiles sheepishly. Nia claps her friend on the shoulder, this time her violet eyes staring into Patrick's blue eyes.

"You're gonna be big someday, I bet," she states.
"You think so?" Patrick asks. "Like, you legit think that?"
"Hell yeah, man!" Nia exclaims. "And I'll be able to say 'oh yeah, I'm best friends with that rockstar Patrick Stumph! We've been friends since we were kids!' And everyone in the observatory won't believe me until I show them all the pictures we have together from our crazy adventures!"

The Last of the Real Ones || a Patrick Stump AU ||Where stories live. Discover now