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Morning pours through Patrick's bedroom window, the glow of the day shining through his eyelids. He blinks his eyes open and finds Nia still sleeping peacefully beside him. A portion of relief washes over him as a gentle sigh escapes from him. The more he stares, the more features he finds of her.

Patrick notices the way Nia hogs the blankets. It would have bothered him with anyone else, but with her, he hadn't noticed at all through the night. He notices the way her hair tangles, some strands looping around one another to create stubborn snarls. He examines her form in the morning light, his sight snagging on the small marks created from last night's activities. Color rises to Patrick's face as he looks down at his own chest, finding purple circles along his collarbone and lines where fingernails had dragged hard enough to surface coloring.

I want this forever, he thinks to himself, his attention fixating on Nia again. He wants to wake up next to her, examine her beautiful morning flaws she finds to be hideous. To Patrick, Nia was a goddess from above despite her morning breath and groggy eyes. He wanted that to be the only thing he wakes up to every morning. He would curse God if he hadn't woken up the next day beside her.

Nia stirs from her comatose state, turning to face the boy beside her. Her puffy eyes open slowly, finding Patrick smiling down at her, admiring her. She returns a slothful smile.

"Morning," she mumbles, her voice raspy with slumber.
"Morning," Patrick replies gently as he brushes her tangling hair away from her face. His thumb traces smaller planets onto her cheek, causing her to smile even more at the touch.

"How're you feeling?" Patrick asks.
"Like I'm not fully awake yet," Nia chuckles with a small stretch of her stiff limbs. "Like... this is some dream I'll wake up from at any moment."
"Unfortunately, you're not dreaming. Sorry I'm not as pretty as you in the morning," Patrick jokes. Nia giggles sleepily, batting her hand in a dismissive way.
"Shut up, you're handsome in the morning," she yawns.

The two sit up, Nia finally letting Patrick have a portion of the covers even after she holds some slack close to her chest. Even her messy bed hair falls perfectly to Patrick. Nia looks over at the boy, biting back a laugh. Her hand delicately brushes along her markings from last night.

"We really... did that," she comments, a laugh of disbelief spilling from her. Even her finger tips leave trails of stars and cosmos on Patrick's skin. Nia's eyes flick up to Patrick's, a soft smile twitching at her lips.

"How was it?" she asks within a timid whisper.
"Great," he replies with a smile.
"I hope I didn't hurt you," Nia says quietly, examining the red lines on his chest.
"You didn't," Patrick reassures. "You know I mark easily."
"I had a great time, too, by the way," the girl blushes. Her full moon smile shines again, her tidal wave lip being claimed by it.
"Good," he says before leaning down and sharing a gentle peck with Nia. "I hope I didn't hurt you, either."

Nia shakes her head, a promising smile etched in her features. Her hair weaves into more potential tangles with the momentum of her response. Patrick looks over at the clock, finding it to be ten o'clock. A ghost of a smile claims his features as an idea stirs in his head.

"Let's get dressed, Space Girl," Patrick coaxes. "I wanna take you out for breakfast."
"Don't you mean brunch, Ghost Boy?" Nia vexes. It earns a playful glare from the blonde boy, creating a laugh from Nia. Patrick certainly wants this for the rest of his life.

"Either way, we gotta get dressed," he laughs. Nia groans jokingly with an eye roll as she shifts from the bed, taking the bed sheet with her. She manages to wrap it around her bare body before running off with the collection of fabric.

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