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It had been a month since the couple's first date. Patrick couldn't be happier. He never thought he would ever find himself grinning daily over the one girl he knew to be extraordinary. Dairy Queen was only the start of many more dates, some being spontaneous and no backup plan to fall back on. Nia and Patrick always worked it out somehow. Many nights, the two would sneak out of their bedroom windows and drive to empty parks to stargaze. It was more than bliss for Patrick.

The blonde boy watches Nia as she rambles about more NASA articles she had read online, a smile twitching at his lips. He doesn't understand a lot of the words she's saying (except for a few he may have learned in school), but her enthusiasm is contagious enough.

"So, that's why I think that there's a high chance that aliens could exist," she finishes. Nia turns to Patrick, meeting his soft, gentle gaze.

"Were you even listening?" the violet-eyed girl frowns with a huff. To that, Patrick gives an apologetic smile, proving himself guilty. Nia stops walking, causing Patrick to follow suit.

"I really was trying to keep up," he argues on his behalf. His hand tangles with Nia's, taking it into his grasp. Nia rolls her eyes, a chuckle still escaping her. She can't really blame him. Patrick knows it.

"That's like me talking about different guitars and petals. I could go on and on about bar chords and different keys. You wouldn't get it, though," the blonde explains.
"Yeah, I guess," Nia huffs again, more at herself. Patrick gives her hand a gentle squeeze.
"But don't let me stop you, Witch," he reassures with a smile. To that, Patrick presses a kiss on the temple of her head, encouraging her to continue with her rambles about space.

"You still love music, right?" Nia asks as she continues to walk along the sidewalk. Patrick easily catches the momentum of her subtle pull and walks with her. Nia looks up at him, turning the stage to him.
"Yeah, why?" the boy asks.
"Why don't you do something with it? Like your brother and your dad did?"

Patrick blushes at the suggestion, a chuckle now escaping him. He never thought of making his passion for music something serious. After all, he thought his dad and Kevin were gods when it came to music. He couldn't top them.

"I was thinking of being a critic or something," Patrick dismisses. "Nothing too big, y'know?"
"Have you thought of maybe being a producer?" Nia suggests with a smile. "Or— hell— even be your own one man show! You play every instrument known to man!"
"No, I can't—"
"Yeah, just like I don't know all 67 moons for Jupiter," the girl scoffs sarcastically. Before Patrick can brush off her statement with another wave of modesty, curiosity spikes in him.
"Wait, really? 67 moons?" he gawks, quirking a brow.
"Buster, you've got a talent! Use it, dammit! Then you won't hate your job for the rest of your life," Nia almost scolds.
"Well, I sure hope you don't hate your job, Alien," Patrick vexes back. "I mean, staring at glowing dots and identifying them as stars or planets is so—"
"Awesome!" Nia interrupts.

A large grin stretches across her face and Patrick can already see the intergalactic dreams weave in her wonderful mind. He can't help but to smile back at the beaming girl.

"I was going to say boring," he finishes, finishing his playful banter.
"I mean, the Sun isn't the biggest star! That could mean that there's other galaxies! And who knows what's in those galaxies! I wanna find out what's in them! I wanna—"
"It's like you're ten again," Patrick giggles. He takes a quick glance at their surroundings, realizing that they are close to home.

"What are you doing later tonight?" Patrick asks.
"Nothing important," Nia states, biting back her enthusiasm about the possible worlds beyond their own planet. Patrick can see she is about to burst into the stardust he was certain she was made out of.

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