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Patrick felt like he was floating. His feet couldn't have possibly been touching the ground considering how high he is with joy. Each kiss from Nia only elevated him, ascending him higher into bliss.

He starts to feel even light headed at the natural intoxication, but it doesn't matter to him. Him and Nia manage to separate themselves for air, their breaths slightly heavy and uneven. They try to search for words to exchange, but their vocabulary fails them. They only look at each other and laugh for a moment.

"You look like you're about to pass out," Nia comments with a hint of a chuckle. Patrick shrugs at the fact, though he felt like that may happen soon. Nia peels herself from his embrace and takes his hand; she leads him inside her home and guides him to the couch where they both sit.

"You're pretty brave for doing this, Buster," Nia comments. She tousles his dirty blonde hair as she makes her way to the kitchen.
"Bravery would have let me do this a lot sooner," Patrick says back. "Besides, I don't have verbal answer about how you feel."

Nia returns with a glass of water in her hand. She presses a kiss on Patrick's temple and hands him the water.

"I kissed you, bonehead," she giggles. "It means I love you too."
"A kiss could mean many different things, Witch," Patrick smirks before taking a few gulps of water. "Look at Judas and Jesus. I don't think Judas was gay for him."
"Last I remember from school and the many hours of church I was forced to stay in, he kissed him on the cheek. Not on the lips," Nia laughs as she claims the seat next to Patrick. She takes his free hand in her hands, caressing his soft skin. Patrick finishes his drink and sets the empty cup on a coaster that was placed on the coffee table in front of them.

"Next time, don't kill yourself for a kiss from me," Nia smirks as she looks up at Patrick. His heart stutters at the dusk gaze she gives him. A soft smile crawls onto his face as he gently tugs her closer to him.

"Can't make any promises," Patrick hums before continuing their kiss. Nia laughs against his lips, returning the gentle, affectionate touch. In that moment, Patrick feels the universe on his lips again. It feels foreign each time their lips reunite and synchronize, but it also feels so familiar to him. It's a wave of déjà vú all while feeling as if it were the very first time of everything so mundane— like breathing, feeling his own heartbeat crash rapidly against the confines of his chest, his fingertips gently roaming and caressing Nia's face and the fabrics on her.

Nia separates the kiss for a short moment to catch her breath. It's an irresistible urge that resides between the new lovers. The closeness of their lips makes it all less bearable. Nia soothes the tension by exchanging gentle pecks with the blonde boy.

"What have you done to me, Buster?" Nia laughs. Patrick studies her, her violet eyes gazing at him in a new fondness. Nia stares at him as if he is more than the dusk sky. Patrick has only seen this set of eyes a few times. It was the same expression she possessed when they went to the observatory in their fifth grade field trip. It was the same twinkle in her eyes when she told Patrick about what she saw in her first telescope she had received for Christmas in seventh grade.

Nia studies him as if he were the infinite heavens she analyzed every night. Patrick smiles up at the girl, allowing himself to not think of himself as the shitty dwarf planet. This time, he was a collapsing star, falling deeper in love with the sun he focused so much on. It was tunnel vision. The only thing that shines bright in his vision is Nia.

"What have you done to me?" she repeats with a chuckle.
"What do you mean?" Patrick asks. Nia rests her forehead against his, her thumb tracing and caressing his bottom lip.
"I never thought I'd fall for someone the same way I fell for outer space. Yet, here we are," she says with a smile. "It's kind of stupid that I never gave you a shot, Buster."
"I don't blame you," he chuckles. "I'm me."
"That's the thing, Patrick," she says. She replaces her gentle thumb with a kiss of the same nature. "You're you. That's what makes you different. That's what made me fall for you."

There's silence between the two. Patrick tears his gaze from Nia and watches his hand run gentle strokes along her thigh. A part of him wants it all to be dream as it is too good to be true. She is too good to be true.

"It's kind of funny," she begins again, a chuckle escaping her lips, "that when I was with Tom, I never felt like I was with him."

Patrick looks up at Nia again, curiosity filling him upon hearing the statement.

"A part of me always wanted you to be in his place," she confesses. "Whenever I kissed him, I wasn't thinking of him. I was thinking of you. I-I thought it was weird at first, but then... I just let it happen."
"So, I was that someone else you told me about last week?"

Nia nods, a smile claiming her lips. Patrick's face becomes warm at the realization, color rising in his cheeks.

"I hated myself for falling in love with you," Patrick states, it now being his turn to confess. "I thought all this time that you were happy with Tom. Then, he broke your heart and I so badly wanted to fix you, Nia. But I also thought you only viewed me as a friend. I'm really relieved that you feel the same way as I do."

Nia leans down and takes the blonde boy into another kiss, the affectionate sign lasting longer than the one before it. Patrick holds her closer, sighing contently as a smile twitches at his lips.

"So, what are we now?" Nia asks with a smile. "What does this make us?"
"Well," Patrick huffs, a lump forming in his throat. "I hope this means we take this to the next level. Super best friends?"

Nia gives the boy a playful glare and smacks his shoulder with a laugh. It earns a chortle from him, too.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" he asks with a soft smile, a hint of a laugh still present in his voice. Nia grins at the questions and kisses him again.

"I'd love to be your girlfriend, Buster," she answers. Patrick feigns a face of distaste.

"I was really hoping for super best friends," he jokes. The two laugh, Nia giving his arm another playful hit.

"You're impossible, Patrick," she laughs. Patrick gives a jesting shrug.
"But you love me," he states with a smile. Nia caresses his face and plants a kiss on the tip of his nose.

"You're damn right I do," she says.
"And I love you," he states.

Finals is finishing up! So I thought to just finally drop an update on this fic! A lot of you seem to like it. Do me a favor and check out my other ones too!
Pavlove and With The Band

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