Old wounds

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I stared at the girl in front of me. She was the spitting image of my mother when I was younger. I stared down at her in disbelief and curiosity. As I moved closer I felt panic slowly creep in me. My breathing slowly began to speed and I slowly moved away from her. 

No. This was impossible. I hadn't seen my mom in years. She had to be dead. She had to be. I fell backwards on my back. Visions of me as a child had begun to flood in me. The joy the happiness then filled with betrayal and hatred when she left me to the machines. I crawled to my feet and crawled backwards. The girl stood up staring at me. I hissed at her as I slowly moved backwards. She moved backwards just staring at me in confusion. I stood up but as I did something hit my back. I flew towards a wall hitting a wall the feeling of electricity ran through me. I peeled myself off the wall amd turned to look at who was stupid enought to hit me. I looked at four new people. One boy with blonde hair and white armor and a matching shield and sword. The other male had black hair and a pink stripe though it. The first female had bright red hair and a yellow crown. The second femal had orange hair and a large hammer that sparked with pink electricity. 

As I stood up in felt something strike my back. I dropped to my knees to see a rather large man with a thick orange sword and green armor pinning me down. I slowly pulled myself up clearly showing I was stronger than him. As I rose up I felt bullets strike my legs. The force of the impact tore holes in my pants the bullets embedding themselves in my skin. I turned to see a girl dressed in brown with a gatling gun. I growled towards her.

She pulled her shades down staring at me and smirked. "Like your outfit. Where'd you get it a dumpster." She chuckled as I glared.

"The prison back on Isla Sorna. I assume they got it the same place you got tours." I replied as the large male stomped on my hand. I hissed and went to bite his leg when he moved behind me and began to choke me with the blunt side of his sword. For a big guy he sure is fast.

I looked back to the girl I mocked and saw her clearly upset. I chuckled before I reached behind me and tried to grab the male who moved out of my grasp. I then looked and saw his hand on the handle. I quickly slashed his hand hoping his grip would falter and it did. I pushed the blade from my neck and turned to rip his throat out when something slashed my chest. I turned to see a male with red hair staring at me with glazed over eyes. Blind. I looked him over the arm blades made this next part difficult. I rushed him but he dodged and I felt something hit the back of my head. I turned to see the girl in red with a rifle as she shot at me. However she was the least of my worries. I looked for the red haired male and saw him running with a speed I thaught impossible. I waited watching as he moved around me. I then saw the pattern. I swung my arm back and grabbed the male by the neck. I lifted him up and stared at him. He really was blind. I opened my maw prepared to end him as I felt a torrent of bullets imbed themselves in my back. I dropped the male and turned to see the brown haired girl still shooting. I looked at the male and new he would be a pain so I lifted my foot and crushed his leg. I covered my eyes and slowly moved towards the walking bullet storm. As I grew closer to her the bullets hitting harder and harder. But once I was close enough I wrapped my hand around the weapon stopping it from spinning. The mechanisms jerked as it tried to spin. I applied more pressure and crushed the barrels like aluminum. I pulled the weapon from her hands and grabbed her by the shirt lifting her up. She spat in my face and I closed my eyes to avoid it getting in. I hissed and glared at her. I pulled my free hand back and when I went to swing it forward I felt the same strikes as before with her gatling gun. I dropped her and turned to see velvet. She held some bright wire version of the last girl weapon. The look on her face was one of fear and panic.

"I thaught you were better than this." She said as her weapon turned to the red girls and opened fire. "I thaught you were better than him." She shot at me the bullets bounced off my hide as they weren't real.

"That was your misteak." I said and lunged slamming my fist into the ground where she was. "You placed your trust in a stranger. That's your fault!" I roared and slashed towards her knocking her on her rear. I stood above her and lift up my foot prepared to crush her when I was hit with that same hammer as before.

The impact sent me through a wall and I skidded on the street. I dug my claws into the ground and stopped myself half way down the street. I rose up as four people ran to me. One of them ran around me in circles as he opened fire. I hissed and watched him I hissed but as I did a bullet hit the side of my head. I hissed and turned to face where it came from. The girl in red had began taking pot shots at me which I found very annoying. I took one step forward before that fucking hammer hit my again this time knocking me off balance. She swung again and again until I was able to catch the hammer in my hand. I went to push it away but an explosion in the head of the hammer sent a burning sensation through my hand. I fell backwards and looked at my hand. A finger had been put out of place. The hammer girl swung at me again but I rolled out of the way and popping my finger back into position. I growled in pain as I looked down. I moved the finger lightly and made sure it was in working order. I then heard the girl grunt as I us seemed she swung again. I turned around in a flash and opened my jaw biting down on the handle and holding on tightly. She tried to pull it away like a child with a toy as I sat there catching my breath. I then released and she fell on her ass. I quickly took a deep breath before I unleashed a torrent of hell fire upon her. I blasted her for a minute or two the boy in green still shooting blindly before I stopped. I stood up and looked around and saw two people rushing towards me. They both had a sword and shield and I sighed in annoyance. The male began recklessly hacking and slashing before I kicked forward sending him flying back into the boy in green. However the girl in red was worse. She moved with a skill I didn't know any normal person could. When I slashed she blocked. Punched she dodged. And as the Fury grew in my I slashed down but as she tried to block I grabbed the shield and pulled in down. She looked up just in time to see my horns slammed into her face. She fell back but still got up. I grabbed her neck in am instant and continued to slam my head into her face and as I finished a sickening crack of her aura was heard.

I let her go and realized I was done in just had to do one last thing.


As I moved back to the building something felt off. I moved inside and looked around. Nobody was there. I looked around the destroyed city hall not seeing anyone. My eye twitched as I realized Ross had escaped.

I walked outside the rage boiling inside me as I will never have this opertunity. This opertunity comes once in a life time. However as my thaught filled with rage I didn't realize until it already happened. A dart lodged itself in my chest. I looked up and saw the dozens of police in riot armor. The tranquilizer quickly took affect as I hit the ground outside cold.


I slowly opened my eyes and realized that I was locked in tight and could barely move. I looked around the blank room until I saw someone enter through a door. It was the girl with the bow. She was covered in bruises and cuts. I simply stated at her.

"What do you know about your mother?" She asked not making eye contact.

"Cold," I began. "She was cold to me. She didn't speak of my father. And she was a cat." I replied staring right at her.

"Do you remember her name?" She asked finally looking at me.

"It began with a K. If I heard it I'd remember." I replied hanging my head low.

"Kali..." She stated and I looked her in the eye.

"And how would you know that?" I asked remembering her perfectly.

"She's my mom too." She stated.

"So we're...."


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