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  • Dedicated to my carrots for keeping me alive

Picture (Lianna)----------------------->


“Let’s crash th…this place,” Sean laughed and hiccupped while he drank out of a bottle of vodka. We were standing in front of a large black fence. The fence was nothing compared to the white house behind it.

“Having second thoughts, Lianna? You know, chickens belong in the barn?” John grinned and made some chicken sounds that always got me going.

“Shut up asshole. Just watch and learn.”

Once again I had to prove myself to these punks.

I made my way over to the fence, while the others stayed behind. I was getting sick of having to prove myself over and over again. When I reached the fence, I started to climb over it and it shook under my weight. But, I made it to the top and jumped over. I smiled and turning around, I gave them the ‘look’ that indicated challenge. They looked bored. Sighing, I pressed the button and the fence opened.

“Wohooo…” Sean screamed, looking like he was riding a bull, with a cowboy hat, while making his way through the fence. Sometimes he is hilarious.

Sean was the only one I liked in the gang and he was the only one who accepted me. I think it was because of a crush he had on me. Not that he didn’t look fine, with his green eyes and sandy blond hair. He just wasn’t my type of guy; a guy who was drunk almost all the time isn’t something I can keep up with. But John on the other hand was Sean’s opposite, and not just appearance wise, either.

“Where is the rest of the group?” I asked John.

“There isn’t anyone else,” he said and yawned.

“I bought hash for 6 people” I said, furious over the extra expenditure.

He smirked and said, ”Well, I guess it’s more for us then.”

When everyone came in through the fence, we stared at the big white house and made our way over to it. Sean picked up a rock and threw it at one of the large windows. As a reflex, our hands covered our ears because of the piercing alarm that was going to go off. When no sound came, we looked at each other stunned.

 This was something new.

John crashed what was left of the window and started to climb in. Sean and I followed him. It was pitch black. Sean found the light and switched it on. I was surprised he even found it, as high up in the clouds as he was.

In front of us appeared a huge living room with beautiful big white couches and an enormous light hanging down. We sat down on the couch, nearest to the big plasma TV. John lit the joint and took a puff. I looked at Sean, who was fumbling with the lighter.

John handed me the joint. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to smoke and wrinkled my nose. He looked at me suspiciously. I quickly grabbed it and started to smoke. He took hold of the alcohol that was beside his foot on the floor.

Sean yelled at John, asking for the alcohol and spilled a little on the carpet, when he snatched it from him.

Not a very good idea.

John got pissed and punched him in the face. Even though I was a tad afraid of John and his bulky muscles, I knew Sean could take him easily, if he was brave enough. I realized Sean was intimidated. He lifted the liquor with a shaking hand and took it. John, surprisingly, let it go. He never backed down when he was mad and stoned at the same time.

He barked at me, wanting me to hand him back the joint. Sean got back to fumbling with the lighter and somehow the alcohol on the carpet caught fire. It quickly spread to the rest of the furniture. In seconds, the whole living room was flaming red.

I screamed, “Run fire.”

John saw the fire and quickly bolted to the door. Sean, on the other hand, looked at his hand with a confused look on his face.

I quickly grabbed him when I saw the fire was spreading. He stumbled a couple of times on his way up from the floor. I looked at the window that we came in through earlier, but instead turned to the door because the curtains were on fire. When he was up, we ran as I held on to him for dear life. I realized he was keeping pace with me, I felt hope of surviving. I made sure he wouldn’t fall or slack before letting him go. It was hard to breathe through the thick smoke. Burning items where falling down in front of us, but we managed to avoid them.

I was scared, really scared. I saw John waiting for us at the open door and I was relieved. I had almost reached the door, when I looked back and realized that I had lost Sean. He was lying on the floor, laughing hysterically. My eyes started to tear up. The whole house was a burning mess. I couldn't, for the life of me, comprehend how quickly everything caught flame. John screamed at me,

”Leave him alone Lianna! Let’s run, leave this dumb f*ck here.” I turned to him, horrified. Could you get more selfish than that?

”I’ll leave you alone here right now if you don´t come,” he said.

I looked at him and gave him the finger before I ran back to Sean. When I reached him, his laughter was dying. I grabbed him, but he wouldn’t budge because of the smoke, which had already gotten to him. I was trying to drag him, but he was all muscle and really heavy. He had only budged a few inches before I started to feel really dizzy. I turned to see if John was there so he could help me, but someone was fighting at the door. I couldn’t see what was happening because it was blurry.  But, I saw a silhouette coming towards me and I couldn’t help it anymore; I closed my eyes and got ready for the fall that never came. I felt someone’s arms wrap around me and when I was about to see who it was, it all went black.


I woke up and felt like a truck had crashed into me. Every inch of my body was hurting. I took a look around and realized that I wasn’t in my room. Was I in the hospital?

“You are awake,” said a familiar voice.

I blinked a couple of times and turned my head slightly. My mother was sitting next to the bed.

Different emotions flickered across her face - relief, sadness and disappointment.

“ Mo...”

She quickly interrupted me before I even got a chance to say the word.

”I guess my warnings weren’t enough for you? Burning down a house. Was it the best you could do? I've had enough of you. I can’t do this anymore. Luckily for you, I knew the judges. Your friends didn’t have the same luck.” She paused and took a deep breath.

“That’s why I’ve decided to take a break from you, because you are nothing but a disappointment,” she said angrily.

That hurt me bad. My heart clenched in agony, but I wasn’t going to cry for her or for anyone!

"I'm sending you to your father."


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