Chapter Deux

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  • Dedicated to Izzy (Ismahan)


 He was standing there, with a surprised look on his face but quickly covered it with a grim look. After all these years, he could at least smile instead of looking unhappy about seeing me. I felt a pang of hurt, but I covered it with a look mirroring his. Like father, like daughter, right?

I felt an unknown anger starting to build in my chest.

"Where am I going to sleep?" I asked. I didn't want to stand here all day. I wasn't in the mood to chat, standing in this smelly place.

He looked like he was in a deep thought and then looked at me.

"Sorry, what did you say?"

"Where am I going to sleep?" I repeated.

"Right, let's go this way."

We passed through a long hall with graffiti on the walls and reached a door, which led to the outside. Once we were outside, I realized that we had come out through the backdoor. I didn't recognize anything from before. The cars on this side, looked expensive and you could tell that they belonged to wealthy people. We walked towards a car. The British guy went to one of the beamers and my father went to the other car. I stood there, dumfounded and didn't know which of the two cars I was supposed to ride in. The British guy looked back at me and laughed,

“You can join me.”

I took a quick look at my father but he had already started the ignition, about to pull away. I realized I didn't have a choice so I climbed in after him. We started to drive away and it felt really awkward in the car. To break the unbearable silence, he asked curiously,

”So why did your mother dump you?"

"Wow, tactless much?"

"What do you mean?"

”What I mean is, you don't just ask someone something like that. At least not that bluntly!"

”Someone is a bit sensitive. Why did you come if you didn't want to be here?”

”Does it look like I had a choice, genius?"

Seriously, this guy was starting to piss me off.

He looked at me with an innocent smile.

"Look, I'm sorry; I didn't mean to put it like that. Let's start over, shall we?"

"Alright. Lianna. What’s yours?"

”I’m Chris. What brings me the pleasure to meet you?"

"The queen of England wanted me hidden from the stritogi in Vampire academy. What do you think, Sherlock? Mom got pissed at me for the fifty tenth time and sent me away to this monster," I said, with a sad look.

We drove in silence. When we finally arrived, my father was already in the house. Talk about being rude!

The house we stopped at wasn't a house, it was a castle. It was HUGE, 17 times bigger than the one we lived in. And I thought the one I use to live in was big! When Chris saw my jaw touching my shoes, he laughed.

 "Well, this has 14 bedrooms, 5 toilets and 8 bathrooms, if you were wondering.”

My jaw touched the floor again. We went up to the porch and inside. Inside, in the old-looking hall, I saw a ‘Barbie’ kissing my father. Good job, dad. You got someone younger than mom. I looked at them with disgust.

Chris started to cough. The ‘Barbie’ pushed my father away from her.

“I’m so sorry, Lianna. This wasn’t how I planned your arrival.”

She pulled me into a hug. Her blond locks were everywhere.

“I think she is tired. I’m taking her to her room,” Chris said

“Of course. I’m Elisabeth. It’s really nice to meet you,” she said, shaking my hand.

“You too,” I said as nicely as I could, given the circumstances.

Chris dragged me towards the stairs. We went upstairs and in front us was a big door.

“This is your room,” he said, pointing to the door.

I opened the door and I saw the most beautiful room ever. It had a huge twin bed with white soft sheets and pillows. Did I mention the huge wood closet, the plasma TV and the laptop on the desk next to the bed?

“We can stare all day. But we have prepare for the dinner.”


“Yes, it actually starts soon. So you should probably get ready and rest a bit,” he said, slamming the door after him.

1 hour later

Chris knocked on the door.

“I’m coming,” I said, tiredly.

I went out.

“You look incredible,” he said staring at me

I was wearing a white, lacey dress, light make-up and the flat-ironed brunette hair framed my face

“Thanks, Are you going to escort me?” I said, giving him a smile

“Your highness, this way.”

He took my hand and showed the way downstairs. We stopped inside a dining room. The dining room was decorated with white flowers and candelas. And in the middle of the room, there were people, sitting on a round table. I took slow steps to the table and sat on a chair.

“We are really glad you are here, Lianna. The food will be here soon. But that gives us more time to talk,” Elisabeth said and smiled.

There was a girl sitting next to me. She reminded me of Elisabeth. My father had a daughter too?

“Stop staring, freak.”

This bitch had attitude

“Ohh I’m sorry, want me to stare on something more beautiful?”

Before she could she say something back her mom interrupted us.

“Don’t be rude Allison,” Elisabeth said, angrily.

My father didn’t say a word.

Elisabeth continued,

“We have heard so much about you from your father.”

I chuckled, “Are you sure it wasn’t from my Facebook page?”

Chris burst out, laughing, "Busted, mom."

“Look, I really appreciate what you have done for me; letting me stay here and all. But I’m not here to make friends or family members….” I said looking at Elisabeth

Before I could continue, we heard a bell.

“That’s the door. It’s probably Jason,” Allison said and ran to get the door.

I decided to get up and go to my room, without a word. This was a waste of time. My father didn't show any interest in getting to know me better. So why should I bother?

"Where are you going? Don't you want food?"

"I'm not hungry," I said, continuing to walk.

“Remember, you have school tomorrow,” Elisabeth screamed after me.

This was going to be a long year.

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