The Mark Of Diastro

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"Cole! Watch out!"

"Kai, behind you!"


"Can you all please be quiet? I'm trying to read," interrupted Misako. Lloyd smiled sheepishly.

"Sorry, mom. We were trying to beat this boss but - "

"BUT ZANE USED HIS SPECIAL ATTACK ON ME AGAIN!" Jay yelled, cutting Lloyd's sentence off. Lloyd shook his head.

"We'll keep it down, mom. Promise."

"Guys?" Seliel asked. "Did you invite anyone else over?"

"Oh yeah, I did!" Kai said, standing up and opening the door. A familiar redhead walked in, a smile on her face.

"Hey, Kai. Thanks for asking me over," Skylar said, smiling. Kai nodded, helping her in.

Jay threw his hands up. "Is everyone inviting their love interests over?!"

Lloyd shook his head. "No, I asked him to invite her over. Since Cole asked Seliel, I thought it would only be fair that Skylar came alone as well."

"Once again, thank you," she said, kissing Kai on the cheek before walking in. Kai smiled, putting an arm around her.

"Wow," Seliel said, looking impressed. "So you two are like Chirper official now." Nya slugged Seliel in the shoulder, causing the latter to laugh.

Kai shook his head. "Like Nya and Jay?"

Jay however, was more focused on beating the boss. Nya smacked the back of his head, causing him to whine, and die.

"Nya! I was two more kicks from winning!" Jay whined, looking like a kicked puppy.

Nya shook her head, and looked at Kai. "Not quite."

Skylar smiled, and turned to Lloyd. "You said you would have a room for me?"

"Right!" Lloyd said, looking away from the snow. "You will be with Nya and Seliel, hope you two don't mind."

Nya shook her head. "No, not at all! You're fine."

"Yeah," Seliel agreed, standing. "The more the merrier. I'm Seliel, by the way," she said, hold out her hand for Skylar to shake.

"Skylar," the master of amber replied, shaking her hand. "I love your streak, by the way."

"Thanks," Seliel said, running her through her hair. "My dad hates it, so I obviously decided to get it redone over again."

Skylar laughed. "Ha! I know the feeling."

Nya stood up, smiling. "Here, me and Seliel will show you to the room." She took her bags, leading her to their room. The three girls were laughing in unison at something Skylar had said, before disappearing down the hall.

"Great, more girls," Jay groaned. Misako shot him a look, and he quickly looked down.

Kai shot a glance at Lloyd, who was looking out the window again. "Hey, you alright?"

Lloyd shook his head, pointing to the shape that was coming closer to the bounty.

Kai looked out the window, squinting so he could make out the figure approaching them. It was someone with dark, long hair, and they were obviously unaffected by the wind and snow.

Zane stood up, looking out as well. "My facial recognition software has matched this approaching character to Morro, but I thought he went back to the Departed Realm."

Kai's eyes widened with Zane's words. "Morro?! Lloyd, get back."

"Why should I? He helped us on the Day of the Departed," Lloyd pointed out, grabbing his jacket. Kai groaned, but grabbed his before following Lloyd outside.

The two met up with Morro halfway, the team meters behind them.

"Morro," Lloyd started, "what are you doing here?"

"I came to warn you," the ghost replied, moving a stand of hair from his face. "Someone brought me and the entire Cursed Realm back to life. Or, well," he said, gesturing to his ghostly form, "afterlife."

"Why?" Kai asked, taking a step forward, shivering.

"Why else? To conquer Ninjago," Morro said. "And it's not just the ghost army. He has Skeletons, Anacondrai Warriors, the Stone Army, and even the Nindroids." Lloyd's eyes widened.

"Seriously?! We were barely able to defeat them last time!" he shouted, throwing his arms up.

"I know, but what's worse is that he actually has control over them," Morro replied, casting his gaze to the team that was starting to catch up. "And he's also responsible for this snow."

"Who's he?" Cole asked as he joined up with them. Jay and Zane right behind him.

"His name is King Diastro," Morro replied. "And he plans to conquer Ninjago with several of your fallen enemies."

Jay scoffed. "So basically Day of the Departed Round Two?"

Morro smirked. "Close, but this time he has an entire army."

"Yeah," Kai said. "Chen, Kozu, Samukai, Cryptor, and Morro are back. So are their armies."

"King Diastro?" Zane asked. "P.I.X.A.L. says that he supposedly died thousands of years ago. Is he a ghost, like you?"

Morro shook his head. "No. He's alive, and very powerful. In fact, you know how this snow is rendering elemental abilities useless?" The ninja nodded. "I'm not affected."

With that, a gust of wind blew through group, and the snow danced wickedly for a few seconds before continuing to fall.

"HOW DID YOU DO THAT?!" Jay screamed, causing the rest of the team to cover their ears.

Morro pulled down his sleeve, revealing the Mark of Diastro. "He made me immune to vengestone and deepstone with this mark. But it's also how he can control us. He doesn't have full control over me, since I'm a ghost, but he can still give me orders."

Lloyd shook his head, then stood up straight. "Thank you. Do you plan to stay, or go back?"

"If you don't mind," Morro said with a grin, "I'll go back."

"Oh," Kai said, impressed. "Like a spy or something?"

Morro nodded. "Yeah. Look, I need to go, but I'll came back this time tomorrow so I can tell you guys his plan." After he spoke, he disappeared, and the rest of the team looked at each other in shock.

"At least he isn't evil anymore," Jay said, throwing his arms up like Lloyd had done earlier. Lloyd nodded, looking at where Morro had been earlier.

"At least now we know who's causing this storm, and we have a guy on the inside," he said, sighing.

Kai nodded, looking at the same spot. "Yeah... But how do we know we can trust him?"

"Well," Zane said, "he did just warn us, and tell us the name of the man. He also confirmed Misako's theory. With his aid, we can probably beat this king."

Kai glared at the spot Morro had been standing. He still didn't trust him, no matter what he said. He'd be keeping an eye on Morro. That was for sure.

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