Power Play

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Kai rested his hands behind his head, sighing in discomfort. It had been two days since Morro had warned them about King Diastro. In all honesty? Kai was worried; he didn't trust Morro as far as he could throw him. The fact that Morro now knew where the ninja were, and what state they were in made him uncomfortable. How easily could he sell them out? Had he already?

There a knock on his door, he groaned, but sat up anyways. "Come in."

Skylar poked her head in, a breakfast tray in her hands. "Hey, you missed breakfast. You need to eat up if you want to make the trip today."

"I still don't get why we trust Morro to take us to some cave ," Kai groaned, standing up to take the tray from her. "We could easily get ambushed."

Skylar smiled sympathetically. "Well, that's why the girls and I are staying behind, and why we're putting a tracker on all of you." Kai nodded, sitting down.

"I know, but why does Lloyd trust him so much?" he asked, taking a bite of his eggs. Skylar shrugged.

"Maybe because he did the same thing on the Day of the Departed?" she suggested, sitting next to him. "Besides, why don't you stop thinking about him, and start thinking about our date tonight?"

Kai looked at her in confusion, then it hit him. He'd made plans to stay with her at the noodle house, then go to the movies afterward.

"Right, our date," he said, looking down. He couldn't believe that he had forgotten. He'd been the one to suggest the date after all. "Sorry, with everything that's going on, it slipped my mind."

Skylar flashed him a smile. "That's alright. I get it. Just be careful today, hero." She stood up, kissing his forehead, and leaving.

Kai finished his breakfast, setting the tray aside, and stood from his bed, stretching his back until he heard a pop. He changed from his pajamas into his red gi, and walked outside of his bedroom, running into his sister.

"Hey," Nya said, putting a metallic bracelet on his wrist. "This is your tracker. It's waterproof, fire proof, and is solar-charged. Don't lose it." With that, she left, disappearing into her room. Kai headed for the training room, starting the course.

An hour of training later, and Morro still hadn't arrived. Kai walked into the living room, seeing the rest of the guys sitting around. "No sign of the windbag today?"

"No," Jay said, flipping through a book. Cole nodded, staring at the TV screen.

"What about Lloyd?" Jay shook his head again, and Cole didn't respond. 

"He left about twenty minutes ago to grab a few things from his room," Zane said, walking in with a bag on his shoulder. He threw a coat at Kai. "Here, Morro said it would be cold where we're going."

"Why is it going to be cold?" Kai asked, slipping the coat on. 

"Probably because of the snow," Lloyd answered, walking back in with his own coat on. "And without our powers, we can't keep ourselves warm." Kai nodded, leaning into his chair.

About ten minutes later, there was a knock on the door. Zane answered it, smiling. "Welcome back, Morro."

Kai turned to the door, joining his team as they all stood. "What kept you?" Kai asked, crossing his arms.

"Diastro was," he trailed off, "making an example of someone."

"Wait, what?" Lloyd asked in concern, stepping closer.

"Clouse," Morro answered. "He challenged Diastro as leader, and lost. Needless to say, the ending was not happy. You guys ready to go?"

The fact that Morro had dismissed the topic so casually sent chills down Kai's back. He ignored it, and nodded.

"So, where are we going?" Jay asked.

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