Keep Your Enemies Close

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Kai woke up, feeling a strange form next to him. He cast his gaze sideways, seeing a sleeping ghost.


Kai must have passed out on the bounty last night while crying. Had Morro actually stayed with him? He hadn't frozen, thanks to the power from his crystal, but Morro looked a bit cold.

Wait a second, why did Kai care? This was that annoying ghost who had possessed Lloyd! He sat up, bringing his legs to his chest.

He was also the only friend he had left.

Morro felt Kai shift next to him, and opened his eyes. He stretched, not finding their situation weird at all, and sat up as well. "Morning, Sparky."

Kai stood up. "Did you help him? Help that stupid king take them?!"

Morro shook his head calmly, standing with him. "No, I didn't. I turned over a new leaf, remember? But I think I know where we can find them."

Kai nodded, walking to his room. He looked around, finding his gi. He saw Morro standing in the doorway, watch in him curiously.


"Oh yeah." Morro turned around, inspecting his stubby nails. He heard Kai pull off his shirt, and decided to explore the library. Maybe he could find some more information on Diastro there.

Using Lloyd's memory of the bounty, as well as Kai's, he found Misako's library easily, looking around. However, he didn't realize that Kai was seeing his own memories as well.

Kai was seeing Morro be hurt by a shop owner for trying to steal some food. However, it was as if Kai could actually feel the hunger from Morro's stomach. He gasped, realizing that this was the life Morro had led before, and after, he'd found Wu. He shook his head, pulling his gi on, and walking out.

"Morro?" he called,  looking around.

"Library," he heard the master f wind reply. Kai made his way there, seeing Morro reading one of Misako's books.

"Weird, this book mentions his weakness. But he never mentioned having a daughter..."

Kai looked over at the book, he flipped the page, seeing a beautiful woman. She had curly, light blonde hair, crystal blue eyes, and wore a lilac dress.

"Princess Amalthea is the daughter of the evil Diastro. She alone holds the key to ending his power. It is said she lives in the tallest tower of his castle, staring down at the sea," he read aloud.

"It also says she has a guardian," Morro said. "An elemental master of crystal?"

Kai shook his head. "It can't be. Misako said that Ninjago, and the elemental masters, were created after Diastro came to power."

Morro tilted his head. "But where did the first spinjitzu master get the ability to grant people powers from?"

Kai nodded. "So we just need to find this, Amalthea, and get her to stop her dad?"

Morro nodded. "Probably. Only problem is, how do we get there?"

Kai flipped another page, seeing a drawing of a portal. "The portal to Diastro's realm lies on the bottom of the ocean. Of course. The one place we can't go."

"What about the Realm Crystal?" Morro asked. Kai shook his head.

"Jay and Nya insisted we destroy it for some reason. It's gone. Unless you feel like diving into lava to find the shards."

Morro shook his head. "But neither of us can swim. Wait, what's that?"

Kai looked down, seeing a sketch of what could only be a mermaid. "The People of the Mer protect this portal, having been creatures from that realm, and knowing the evil within it. They only allow the worthy to travel through, and offer kelp to those wishing to travel. Kelp with special abilities."

Morro smiled. "I used some of that kelp to eat to the tomb. It makes you waterproof, and grants you the ability to breathe underwater. We could use that."

Kai smiled. "That's perfect! Then we can find that princess."

The princess, however, was standing on the balcony of her tower, gazing at the ocean longingly. She remembered when mermaids would swim around, enchanting her with their beauty.

"It does not do one good to wish to escape," came a soothing voice from behind her. Amalthea turned, smiling at her guardian. "I know, and I'm not. I just hope that someday, the merpeople will return."

The master of crystal smirked, standing beside the princess. "Speaking of, it's time you gave your father his gift. He used a lot of power to gather those warriors."

Amalthea sighed, holding her hands out, a silver colored magic flew from her hands, into the sea. She cast her gift to her father, who was bathing in the ocean, receiving her gift of immortality.

When she was finished, she fell to the floor, coughing, as her hair grew longer than before. She felt the master of crystal's hand run through her white locks.

"Time to cut it again," Worrier smiled, pulling her sword from it's sheath. She pulled out Amalthea's hair, slicing the new hair apart, leaving it at its normal length. Amalthea cringed at the sight of her hair, as it shriveled and turned brown on the floor.

"There," Worrier said, taking the dead hair into her hands, and forming a crystal ball around it. "More tonic for the bull."

Amalthea looked back to the ocean, and looked away. She entered her room, and sat on her bed, brushing her curly hair.

"Now, now, Amalthea," the older woman said, pulling the princess up. "Don't forget. It's my turn."

The gentle princes nodded as Worrier caressed her cheek. She closed her eyes as their lips connected, feeling the immortality pass from her lips to Worrier's. The guard smirked, pinning Amalthea to the wall, and wrapping her arms around her waist, deepening the kiss.

Amalthea allows herself to be taken advantage of. After all, things had been this way for over a thousand years. What would stop that now?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2017 ⏰

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