chapter 8

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Harry learned a great many things about himself that night. He learned that kissing Malfoy-no, kissing Draco-was one of the best experiences life had to offer. Draco was exceedingly skilled, tender and passionate at the same time, and while Harry knew that came from excessive practice, there were moments where he managed to push that out of his mind.

Harry learned, and this was an obvious one, he really liked getting head. Again, obvious, but Merlin he had never expected it could be so good. Yes, that was certainly almost due to Draco having a lot of sex, but still. His tongue, his mouth, his hands, they were bloody amazing.

Harry learned, much to his surprise, he enjoyed giving as much as receiving. Having Draco's cock in his mouth was somehow inescapably wonderful. He tasted delicious, felt like velvet, and made the most incredibly noises Harry had ever heard, his favorite being his own name mixed in with swears and sharp pants when Draco came.

Harry learned swallowing would take some practice.

Harry learned Draco enjoyed licking any that spilt onto his face. And that that was really, really hot.

Harry's favorite thing, though, was that he learned Draco was a cuddler. Afterwards they let in bed, twined together, poster completely forgotten in exchange for snuggling. They had kicked the blankets down to the bottom of the bed during their tryst, and after a few minutes Draco moved out of Harry's arms and for a terrifying moment Harry thought they were done but no, he was just covering them in a warm comforter and soft sheets, and then he turned out the lights.

Harry learned sleeping with Draco, actually sleeping, was brilliant.

Unfortunately, Harry learned a few other things as well.

He learned that what he thought was a mild attraction was, in fact, a lot more than that.

He learned the thought of Draco having done all these things with anyone other than him was enough to send his blood boiling, even if they were now exclusive.

He learned they were the entirely wrong form of exclusive.

He learned he needed more than this. A lot more.

He learned that any funny feelings he'd had over the years were anything but funny and, if left unchecked, would only leave him broken-hearted and humiliated.

Harry also wondered a lot, mostly about things better left alone.

For instance, he wondered if Draco usually fell asleep entangled with his current conquest.

He wondered how long Draco had thought about having sex with him, or if it had been a spur of the moment sort of thing.

He wondered what actually dating him would be like.

He cut himself off. He was lying in bed, in Draco's bed, in nothing but boxers, holding Draco, who had that same happy, contented smile on his face he'd had this morning, who was also wearing only boxers, and he was going to enjoy this, dammit, and not let any feelings get in the way. Because this was not about feelings, Draco had made that perfectly clear.

So instead he fell asleep, and if that had taken much longer than it should have, well, so be it.

Sorry for the short chapter guys I'm having some issues right now. I will try to update more!

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