Chapter 16

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Draco was smuggled out in the early morning beneath the invisibility cloak.

Hermione and Ron were baffled as to why Harry didn't want to go to Hogsmeade with them. Rather, Ron was, and Hermione played along. Then Neville joined the group and ruined everything by saying Harry had a date, which provoked endless questioning from Ron and, again pretend, questioning from Hermione. Neville started to bother him about it too until Harry reminded him that he was also not disclosing the name of his date. Neville blushed, muttered something about needing to go to the library, and left quickly.

"I'm not leaving until you tell me," Ron said, frog-marching Harry over to the nearest couch and forcing him down. "You know how stubborn I am. I'm not giving up on this."

"Oh, Harry, before I forget-Ron wants a Chudley Cannons poster," Hermione said, and it really did sound as if she'd just remembered.

"I'm not getting distracted," Ron said, keeping his eyes on Harry. "But yeah, if you could make me one, that'd be great. Pig had an incident with my old one."

Harry raised his eyebrows. "How can an owl ruin a poster?"

"That owl can ruin anything," Ron replied. "Now tell me who it is."

This line of questioning continued until just before lunch, through several chess games that Ron won, and even while Ron was writing his potions essay, Hermione having decided if they were going to sit around and do nothing, they might as well do homework.

"Ron, come on, let's go," Hermione said for the third time. "I'm hungry and I want a Butterbeer. Can't we just go already?"

Ron sighed. "Yeah, fine. I give up. Harry, just know that what you're doing is really shitty. It can't be worse than Hermione going out with Krum, and I forgave her for that."

"You're just trying to make me feel bad," Harry said. He was sketching out plans for the Chudley Cannons poster and didn't bother looking up.

"No, I'm not," Ron said. "I'm your best mate. Why won't you tell me?"

Harry started to squirm. "I just-I promised, that's all. I'll tell you tomorrow, one way or another. It's a trial date, to see how things go. And I promise, really, I'll let you know as soon as I do."

Ron considered as he put his things back in his bag. "All right then," he said eventually. "Wake me up when you get back, though. I'm holding you to 'as soon as possible'."

Harry concentrated very hard on his sketch. "Er, yeah."

Ron's eyebrows shot up. "You're not planning on coming back, are you? You're staying out all night again? After a date?"

Harry flinched. "Um. Maybe."

Ron looked around to make sure they were alone. "So you're finally-"

"I don't know, Ron," Harry interrupted. "It depends on how the date goes."

"Judging from that hickey you've been sporting the past few days, I'd say it's going to go pretty well," Ron said.

Harry flushed, hand going to his neck. "I-um-" What was a plausible excuse? "Spell went wrong." He had a very good idea of when that had happened and at least it just looked like a bruise, apparently, rather than bite marks. It was also very good that Draco had a penchant for turtlenecks, so no connections were made.

Ron rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Still, you've hardly been sleeping here as it is," he said. "Where've you been? The Room of Requirement?"

Still keeping an eye on his paper, he said, "No, just a different dorm room. With a lot of concealment charms."

"Then it can't be a Gryffindor or a Hufflepuff," Ron said immediately. "Boys aren't allowed in the girl's dorms, and only Hufflepuffs can get into theirs. Which I know because I read Hogwarts, A History, Hermione."

She smiled. "Very good. Now can we go?"

"Nearly," Ron said. "It can't be a Slytherin, that'd be bollocks. Besides, who'd it be? Millicent?" He laughed. "A Ravenclaw, then. I didn't think you spent enough time with them to notice, but I guess I was wrong." His face fell. "Oh, Luna and Michael didn't break up, did they?"

"Not as far as I know," Harry replied. "Luna's not my type anyway."

"Well then who-"

"Ron, come on," Hermione said, exasperated, pulling on Ron's arm.

He turned to her, understanding dawning on his face. "You know," he said. "You know and that's why you're not asking Harry, because you know."

"I don't, I'm just not nearly as impatient as you," Hermione said, rolling her eyes. "And I'm hungry. For once it's me fixated on food, not you. Can we please eat?"

"I hate this," Ron said angrily. "You two not telling me. My best friend and my girlfriend, sneaking secrets behind my back."

Hermione sighed. "I guessed, okay? Harry didn't tell me. He was quite upset with me, in fact. He made me promise."

"And you promised me no secrets!" Ron said. Fake upset meant to cause guilt had turned into genuine anger, and it made Harry miserable. He and Ron had been through everything together, they were closer than best friends, and he did want to tell him, but he'd promised Draco, and also he thought Ron might hit him if he knew. Hit him, chain him up, and then go hit Draco. But still, mostly the friends thing.

Hermione looked pleadingly at Harry, but he kept his eyes on the parchment. How many Quidditch players would Ron want? The whole team, or just the Seeker? Certainly having only one would make his life easier. Yes, he thought he'd go with that.

"How long have you known, then?" Ron asked angrily.

"Just a few days," Hermione said. "And you're going to find out in a few hours, so just let it go for now, would you? I really am hungry. And sorry," she added quietly.

Ron sighed, but stood up, bag slung across his shoulder. "Fine. But I'm not letting either of you off this easy. Harry, that poster there, it's going to be half-price, all right?"

"Yeah, sure," Harry said.

"And 'Mione, that thing I've been wanting to do, we're doing that tonight, to distract me."

She flushed. "A-all right."

"Okay then. See you later, Harry. Have a good date."

"See you."

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