chapter 10

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Malfoy bumped into him as they were leaving lunch for Herbology. He glared at Harry.

"Keep your hands to yourself, Potter," he snapped.

"You walked into me," Harry shot back. "Watch where you're going."

"If I was to stoop to purposefully coming into contact with you, I'd be brushing past you contemptuously," Malfoy said snidely.

"Well go on with that contempt," Harry replied angrily. "Some of us have classes to get to."

"You talk as if I care what you have to say," Malfoy sniffed. "Run along, Potty."

Harry stormed down to the greenhouses, Ron and Hermione trailing behind him. He was irrationally upset and he knew it, but he needed to burn off the anger before he was stuck at a table with Ron, Hermione and most likely Neville, all wondering why he was mangling whatever they were going to be working with today over what would hardly be considered anything at all, compared to what he and Malfoy used to say to each other.

As it was, it was a good thing he arrived before his friends. When he reached into his bag to pull out his Herbology book, a piece of parchment fluttered out along with it. In perfectly elegant calligraphy it said My room, ten o'clock. And bring a spare set of robes if you plan on spending the night again. Harry grinned foolishly to himself and stuffed the note in his pocket. The calligraphy, yes, that was amusing. The thought of spending another night in bed with Malfoy? That was pure brilliance.

"What're you so happy about?" Ron asked.

"Plants," Harry replied vaguely.

"You have been rather-up and down lately," Hermione said delicately. "Is everything okay?"

"Yup," he said as Neville joined him. "I'm just in a plants sort of mood."

"Oh, excellent!" Neville said happily. "It's about time one of you stopped moping through class!"

Herbology dragged on. Harry wasn't actually interested in plants at all, he never had been, but now he needed to put on a front of interest. A front that didn't involve reliving the memory of Draco swirling his tongue around his cock because that was entirely inappropriate and would lead to a very awkward situation pants-wise if he wasn't careful. He had no robes to hide him, just jeans, and besides, plants.


Sorry its short but I promised a chapter for you today 😀

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