chapter 18

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They had their purchases sent to Hogwarts via owl, and then it was a little awkward, because it was time for Intrépide and it was their first date and if Harry wasn't careful it was going to be their only date and that only made him more awkward which made it less likely Draco would want to go out with him again which lead to more awkwardness and it was a self-perpetuating cycle that was impossible to stop. Plus, Harry had no idea how to go on a date.

Like how they were walking, for instance. They were close enough that their hands kept bumping together. Did that mean Harry should hold his hand? Would that be too much? What if someone saw? Who was supposed to initiate such contact? Being gay wasn't new, but being in a relationship with a boy was, and since it was Draco Malfoy, it was going to be very, very difficult no matter what he did.

Then they were outside the restaurant so it didn't matter anymore. Draco faced him and neatened his jacket and attempted to smooth his hair, which did nothing. Then, in a move completely surprising Harry, he kissed him, that same soft and sweet kiss Harry still hadn't gotten used to.


He jumped back. Neville and, dear Merlin, Ginny were walking towards them. Neville's mouth was hanging open and Ginny looked like she was about to punch him, or maybe Draco, he didn't know, but this was not good.

"Er, hi Gin," he said awkwardly. "And Neville. Didn't know your reservations were for six."

"Um, yeah, they are," Neville stammered. "Yours too, then?"

"Yeah," Harry said. He rubbed the back of his neck. "So, you and Ginny, then?"

"Yeah," Ginny replied harshly. "He even calls me by my name."

Harry flinched, blushed, and rubbed his neck harder. "That's good," he said. "That you're dating. And the name thing. Definitely good."

"Y'know, Harry, I'm almost impressed," Ginny said coldly. "I didn't think you'd actually have the balls to go after that-that ferret." She was clearly restraining herself, and Harry wasn't sure at all how much longer she could hold off. Draco hadn't said anything, and that was making Harry very nervous.

"So we should go in," Harry replied quickly. "Have a good date."

"You too," Neville said vaguely.

Draco and Harry avoided conversation until they were seated, and then only food was mentioned. But once they ordered and their menus were taken away there was nothing left to do other than discuss what just happened.

Other than not talking at all, apparently.

The stomach knots were back. How was Draco supposed to want a repeat of this when they couldn't even look each other in the eye? He might as well just leave now; there wasn't any point in drawing it out. It would just make him more miserable, pretending that this was something it clearly wasn't. He'd just go back to Hogwarts and go to bed and maybe take a bit of a sleeping draught because his bed almost certainly smelled like Draco and sleep would not be available if that was the case.

"Glad that's out of the way."

Harry's eyes shot up, meeting Draco's. He was smiling. Smiling? What?

"Um, what?"

"Well the Weasleyette is almost certainly the most difficult person to inform of our relationship, and now it's done," Draco said lightly. "I don't fancy telling my friends, especially Pansy, who's still convinced one day I'll realize I'm not gay and fall in love with her. Still, though, that went quite well, all things considered."

Harry was staring at him. "You-you're okay with this? I thought we were waiting? Trial run? Secret?" His sentences grew shorter as his thoughts tangled further and further.

Draco shrugged. "I've had enough of a trial period, last night proved that. As long as you're okay with it."

"Uh," Harry said intelligently. "Yes. Should I ask you out properly, then? Since we just sort of stumbled into this sort of by accident and then it was more and then even more, so maybe-"

"Harry, go out with me?" Draco asked, still that small, sweet, happy smile dancing across his face.

"Um," he said, still sounding quite intelligent. It wasn't that he didn't want to say yes, because he very much did, it was just that he was very confused and had forgotten his words. "Yes. Very yes." Oh, wonderful. So intelligent.

Draco's smile widened. "Excellent. Shall we move on, then, out of any residual awkwardness and to more interesting topics of conversation?"

"Yeah," Harry said, starting to reorganize himself. "So this poster business, it's actually pretty fun. Who knew I liked drawing?"

Draco's look was so sweet and so tender it made Harry's heart ache. Good ache, though. Finally, a good ache. "I have to say, Father did know I'd need calligraphy one day, though I don't think Chudley Cannons posters were what he had in mind."

Harry laughed. "No, probably not."

IM SO SORRY I WAS GONE FOR SO LONG, I WAS IN CALIFORNIA. But you have your update be happy. That MCR thing is my new home screen lol. Vote for this chaoter if your apart of the MCRmy

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