Chapter 20

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Harry was woken up by soft kisses trailing down his neck and then across his chest. He sighed in pleasure and smiled, slowly opening his eyes.

"Hi, Draco," he said sleepily.

Draco nipped him lightly, then came up for a languid kiss. "Hi," he said, breaking away.

"Sleep well?" Harry asked.

"Very, thank you," Draco replied. "I was kept up by whatever was bothering you last night, but I managed to overcome it."

Harry winced. "Would you just believe me when I tell you that you don't want to know?"

"No," Draco replied, giving him a chaste kiss. Then he locked eyes with Harry very seriously. "Your first time is important. Mine is hardly something to speak of, but I was in charge of yours and I need to know I didn't leave you wanting."

"You didn't," Harry said firmly. "It was wonderful."

"But not perfect," Draco said. "Tell me why."

"You're sure?"

"Yes, absolutely," Draco replied, still so seriously Harry couldn't help but reply honestly.

He could, however, close his eyes, and he did that. "Iloveyou," he said very quietly and very quickly. There was a moment of silence and Harry couldn't breathe with worry.

"One more time," Draco said. "A little slower."

Harry squeezed his eyes tighter. "I love you."

Another silence, and this one was much scarier because there wasn't any way Draco could have misunderstood this time.

"Harry, I-"

"Just stop," he interrupted. "I didn't want to tell you, this is your fault. But I promise it doesn't matter. Everything's fine."

"Stop babbling," Draco said mildly. "Are you certain? It's not because of what we did last night, is it?"

"No," Harry said mournfully. "No, it was before that."

"And you didn't tell me?" Draco asked tightly. "You let me take your virginity and you didn't happen to tell me that you're in love with me?"

Harry sat up and he was hoping Draco would push him back down, but he didn't. And when he reached over for his glasses and sat on the edge of the bed with his legs hanging off the side, Draco didn't respond to that, either.

"I'm sorry," Harry said tonelessly. "I should go."

Then Draco did put a hand on his arm, and Harry had never been more grateful for a touch, even though he was pretty sure it was full of pity and nothing else.

"Please stay," Draco said quietly. "I'm the one who should be apologizing. I wasn't expecting it, that's all."

"Okay, well, I'm still sorry," Harry replied.

Draco turned him so they were facing. "Open your eyes?"

Harry did. He couldn't help it, not when Draco asked so sweetly. "What?"

Draco kissed him gently. "Nobody has ever told me that before."

Harry stared at him. "Really? But I thought..."

Draco shook his head. "No. Just you."

"If it helps, you're the first person I've said it to," Harry tried.

Draco laughed quietly. "A little."

"I suppose this is obvious, but I feel like I should probably ask," Harry said, stomach shriveling. "You don't feel the same?"

"I-I've never said it before, either," Draco stammered. Harry had never seen him look so vulnerable before, and it was disarmingly beautiful. "But, um. I do."

Harry stared at him. "You do?"

Draco was a bright red, something Harry didn't think he was capable of. "Can we just move on?" he asked tersely. "I get it, you didn't want to say anything. I'm going to start the Chudley Cannons poster." He slipped out of bed, pulled on a pair of pants and started going through the bag from Scrivenshaft's.

"We're okay?" Harry asked, also putting on pants and joining him on the floor.

Draco grabbed his face and kissed him firmly. "Yes, Harry. We're perfect."

Harry smiled tentatively, and Draco returned it wholeheartedly. "Okay. So, the poster?"

Draco abandoned the bag and pulled out a piece of parchment. "Right, the poster. I was thinking..."

The End

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