chapter 15

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You're getting in late," Neville said quietly. Draco froze, and Harry nudged him forward as discreetly as he could.

"Yeah, I was out for a walk," Harry whispered. "What're you doing still up?"

"Can't sleep."

Harry quickly changed into his pajamas. "You okay?"

Neville sighed, almost a happy sigh. "Yeah, I'm good."

Harry got into bed and motioned for Draco to come forward, making it look as though he was just stretching. "Sounds like a girl?"

There was a pause. "Could be."

"Wanna talk about it?"

"No, not yet," Neville said. Then he added, "I'm taking her out tomorrow night, at Hogsmeade."

Harry smiled. "Good for you, mate."

"Dinner at Intrépide," Neville said, and Harry's smile froze in place. "D'you think that's too much for a first date?"

"No," Harry said firmly. "No, absolutely not. It's perfect." He paused. "I might even run into you."

Neville rolled over. "Yeah? Who're you going with?"

"Not yet," Harry echoed. "We're taking it slow, seeing how things go before telling anyone." Draco was furious, Harry was sure of it, but he couldn't do anything, and Harry was rather enjoying getting back at him for their after-dinner exchange.

Neville nodded. "Sounds good."

"Yeah. G'night, Neville."


"Muffliato," Harry whispered, so quietly he barely said anything at all. He thought back to Draco's charms. "Sirupus."

Draco ripped off the cloak and started yelling. "What the fuck did you do that for? We were keeping it secret! Now the whole bloody house knows we're dating."

"No they don't," Harry replied calmly. "Hermione guessed, I told you, and Neville doesn't even know I'm gay. He's not too brilliant at reading people. He probably thinks I'm trying to get back with Ginny or something."

Draco's eyes were fire, but he didn't say anything. Neither did Harry, he just turned the blankets down so Draco could join him.

"Come on," Harry said after a few moments. "Get in."

"You-" Draco spluttered. "Fine." He kicked his shoes off, set his wand, cloak and slacks down and climbed into bed. He was wearing a tight black tee shirt and boxers. "What do you think is going to happen when Hermione and Neville compare notes?" he asked. "It'll be obvious."

"Hermione promised she wouldn't tell," Harry said. "She won't."

"I don't like you," Draco said petulantly. "You're sexy as fuck and I like you a lot, but I don't like you one bit."

Harry kissed him and Draco returned it ferociously. "It'll take some getting used to," Harry said, breaking away. "I wasn't particularly fond of you in potions, or after dinner. Still, you're here in my bed."

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