Her green eyes

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Cassandra's POV

The air around me felt heavy, pushing down on my lungs with an uneasy feeling. I stood in my backyard feeling the energy of the trees flowing as my eyes gaze on them. It almost felt as there was an unknown force hiding behind each one with an impeccable ability to hide from wandering eyes. The sun was very bright considering it is about twelve in the afternoon, the blue sky moved its full white clouds in a rush, the wind was unforgiving today almost as if mother nature herself was angry trying to hide those feelings behind the perfect scene of a non rainy day. But I felt its power, it was in the air all around me.

Duncan came as soon as he heard of his daughter's state. He was angry no one had called sooner, but his anger was merely a mask to his worry. My mother spoke hours with them in private which clouded my thoughts, as I one day will take the throne I am supposed to be interacting in such matters, yet my mother keeps wishing to exclude me from them, as if it will save me from any harms coming our way. She fears, I am aware, but she should be training me to overcome even her own fears, if that makes sense. I need to be stronger than any other creature out there and my inner self knows that I am in fact stronger than any other possible threat out there, so why does my mother hesitates? Why does even my wolf hesitate to make its appearance? Once again the answer to those questions comes to one single reply.


They fear what may become of me if my true nature surfaces.

The wind was blowing my hair over my shoulders. I stayed there appreciating the fall breeze, I couldn't anticipate enough the arrival of winter. Something about the white snow and its freezing temperature makes me feel alive. It always has, every wolf enjoys winter; It is in our nature. 

"Honey?" I heard briefly, I was still too caught up in my own head to acknowledge my mom standing by my side. It wasn't until she put her hand on my shoulder that I quickly jerked away alerted of her presence.

"I didn't hear you nearing, sorry." Her hazel eyes looked worried, which I did not comprehend why.

"Are you okay? You look distant." My eyes once again shifted to the trees that were moving peacefully with the passing of the wind. Her eyes followed my own gaze as if trying to figure out what I find so fascinating out there.

"Can't you feel the atmosphere changing?" I asked unsure of what I intended for her to answer. The grass was a bit high, moving softly as well like it does in tall meadows far from the touches of human kind.

"It is only a breezy day, darling."

"It is not only the wind mom, times are changing once again." Her hazel eyes stared at me looking even more concerned. She slightly turned me towards her so I could face her directly.

"What do you feel?" I took a deep breath. This should alert me in many ways, yet it did not. It made me feel power growing.

"Like time is preparing to welcome a new empress and when it does, havoc will break loose."

"Cassandra you are so very far from your ascension still."

"I don't think I am." I spoke softly those last words with a pang of hurt crossing my heart. A sudden sadness that made my head spin. She was about to speak, her eyes looking slightly brighter as if sensing what I deeply meant, but noises from afar stopped her.

We both walked to the training arenas to find my mother Alexandra and Rylee?

They were both in a heated fight with one another and wolves from both packs were watching amused.

"What the hell is going on?" I asked bewildered at my mom Cassidy standing by my side.

"Didn't you know? Alex is Rylee's new mentor." I am positive my jaw was hanging open scratching the floor. Just then Rylee growled, launching forward trying to hit my mother. Of course it was amusing to watch, you can't face the empress and intend on winning without having logic and very practical strategies. She was letting her anger and frustration show which are very huge weaknesses in battle. Even I knew that so I wonder why she does not.

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