Our true feelings

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Song is called cherry hill by Russ, I think it fits well with this chapter, Enjoy 😊

Cassandra's POV

Rylee had disappeared all day, which was good. I felt a hollowness within me every time I recalled her words. I was only a fool to believe that we could have explored into depths whatever it was that was happening between us. She cared, I knew she did, but she pushed me away so many times it was starting to be unbearable. We were nothing, yet there was this magnetic strong pull towards one another that it ignited a wild fire every time we came close to one another. Almost disastrous.

I was changing into my soccer uniform when Hannah came to greet me. A smile fell on my lips almost instantly.

"Hey stranger, how are you feeling?" She asked sincerely. I was aware she was the one who took me home last night, also made me company throughout the night. With Hannah everything was smooth, no trouble just fun and surprisingly peace.

"Not that great, how about you?" She only smiled assuming I was referring to a possible hangover when in reality it went deeper than that.

"I'm okay... last night was fun." Not that much. I thought. Even though the short time spent with her was indeed delightful.

"It was, you are a good dancer." I smirked as I watched her cheeks turn red. I was aware she also was under the influence of liquid courage, but seeing that free spirited part of her was alluring.

"Only because I was following your lead." I smiled as I tied my hair in a ponytail.

"There is something I should have done though, its been haunting me all day." She added quickly gaining my attention. Her brown eyes filled with a mixture of emotions though I could sense a new found courage radiating off her body.

"What was that?" I asked curious to know what her answer would be. In a blink of an eye her delicate hands were cupping my cheeks as she leaned in and kissed my lips gently. I was too stunned to even move. A thought of Rylee flashed through my head like neon lights in a disco. She did not want me like I want her. She made it clear last night.

I found myself melting into the kiss seeking some sort of comfort. I reciprocated her gentle kiss. My mind miserably went to the time I kissed the brunette for the first time, I found myself comparing the taste of Hannah's lips to hers. Even if it was horrible to think of another person as you kissed another I could not help it. Hannah was smooth, gentle and tasted sweet, but sadly Rylee was an explosion of everything I liked. Even that roughness in her attitude she possesses. A loud bang made us quickly jump away from one another.

My heart sank to the bottom of my being once I saw the girl whom occupies my mind on daily basis there. She had opened her locker forcefully without looking at me, still I could feel her anger and I could even sense hurt. I just did not understand why it was there. Her movements were rushed.

"Give me a moment Han." I spoke as I came back to my senses. She nodded unsure nonetheless with one last look at our other teammate she left.

"Rylee?" I spoke gently. It was like she was not even acknowledging my presence, she threw her school uniform into the locker before shutting it. She went to walk passed me, but I firmly grabbed onto her wrist.

"What's your problem?" I asked agitated. I really could not understand her for the life of me.

"I already told you, please let go of my wrist." She spoke composing herself almost as if she had fallen into a shutdown mood.

"Why can't we be seen together?"

"Because we can't, for obvious reasons." She still did not meet my gaze. Only angering me even further.

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