Chapter 2

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I didn't actually have to study, I just had to get Loki away. For the past week, I had been working on a gift for him and Thor. I had busied myself in studying how to enchant objects, and now I had implemented my knowledge into making amulets. Thors was silver, and the design was his hammer, Mjolnir. Loki's was green, and had a snake carving. I was nearly done with them, but Thor's coronation was tomorrow, and I had to finish before then. I headed to the forge where I got to work. I had already enchanted them. The spell I had put on them allowed the wearer to locate the person bearing the other amulet it was bound to. All that was left to do was add a couple finishing touches on the designs. I worked as carefully as I could, being sure that my hand didn't slip, lest I would ruin them. In a short while, I was done. I took the amulets back to my chambers where I wrapped them in pieces of silk and tied them with thin rope. I hid them in my dresser, not wanting one of my brothers walking in and seeing them on the bed. I sat down on my bed, opening a book about magic. Even though I had no magic abilities, I still had to learn about it. I didn't know why. I wished I had magic abilities, but all I had was super strength and flight, same as Thor. I sighed and closed the book in frustration. Closing my eyes, I imagined what it would be like to have magic capabilities, what I would be able to accomplish. I opened my eyes and found myself staring into a pair of blue eyes. At first I thought it was Loki messing with me but on further examination, I saw that the eyes belonged to someone else. What was even more alarming than this was that I was staring at someone, no, something that looked exactly like me. Hair, eyes, facial features, clothing was all the same. I gasped and fell backwards over my bed. I shook my head but the other me was still there. It just watched me with blank eyes. I cautiously inched around the bed, it's eyes trailing me as I made my way to the door. I reached for the door handle and slipped out into the hall. I took off running, wondering who to go to. I thought of my mom, but she was probably busy planning the coronation tomorrow with my father. I couldn't go to Thor, he wouldn't know what to do. That left only one option. I ran down the corridor until I reached a door and knocked on it. Loki opened it and saw the alarmed expression on my face and he suddenly looked concerned. "Ren, whats wrong?" He asked. I gasped and pointed down the hall towards my room. "In my room! I was reading then, it appeared! I don't know what! I opened my eyes and it was just staring at me!" Loki put out his hands, "Slow down, I don't know what you're talking about." "Just come look!" I grabbed his hand, dragging him down the hall after me to my room. I hesitated before opening my door, but Loki beat me to it. He stopped upon seeing the other me standing by my bed. It was just staring at us, unmoving. My brother examined it, walking around it in a circle. He noticed the book on the bed and picked it up. "Was this the book you were reading?" I nodded and he flipped through the pages, eyebrows furrowed. "Well, it looks like you have my abilities." he said. I cocked my head, "What? How is that possible?" "I guess all it took was a trigger to activate them, but you do indeed have my powers. It looks like you made a duplicate of yourself without meaning to. Try willing it to disappear." Loki suggested and I did as he said. The other me vanished. "Woah." I stared at my hands, I had gotten my wish. "So I can do what you do?" "It appears so." he answered. "This is so weird, I never thought I'd have magic abilities." I said, still confused. Loki walked over to me and hugged me, "Welcome to the club, sis."

A/N: I'm so so so so SO sorry for not updating! Good news is, that this story is finished! I just gotta remember to post 😆 If it takes me longer then 24 hours to add the next part feel free to remind me by commenting or messaging me. Thank you! 😊

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