Chapter 12

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We both were lead to a room and sat down in chairs. A metal contraption was placed on my wrists to keep them restrained, but Thor's hands remained free. I'm guessing it was because I was identified as an enhanced. At least, that's what the archer guy had called me. A man in a suit came in the room, and began to question me first. When I gave no replies, he moved on to Thor. "You strike me as the soldier of fortune type." The man said. Thor gave no reply. "Well, whatever it is we'll find out." A device in the guy's hand vibrated, "Don't go anywhere." He ordered us, and walked out. When he closed the door, someone appeared in the room. "Loki!" I gasped when I recognized him. He was dressed in Midgardian clothing. When he saw me he waved his hand, and the thing on my wrists fell off. Then he enveloped me in his arms. "Don't you ever pull a stunt like that again, you hear?" He said in my ear and I nodded. "Loki, what is it?" Thor asked and Loki let me go. "I had to speak with you." Loki asked. " it Jotunheim? Let me speak with father..." "Father is dead." Loki cut Thor off. My heart stopped beating for a moment and my lip trembled. A few tears ran down my face. Thor looked crestfallen, "What?" Loki explained, "Your banishment, Verena's action of following you, the war, it was all too much. The burden of the throne has fallen to me now." "C..can I come home?" Thor asked. "The peace with Jotunheim is conditional on you remaining in exile." Loki replied calmly. "Maybe we could find a way." Thor suggested. "Mother has forbidden your return. I'm sorry that it has to be this way. It was cruel for father to put the hammer within your reach knowing you couldn't lift it. I'm sorry." Loki sympathized. "No, I'm sorry." Thor apologized, a single tear falling from his eye, "Thank you for coming here." Loki nodded, then turned to me. "Let's go, Verena." I didn't move, "I'm not going with you." "Whyever not?" "I can't leave Thor. It would be selfish of me to go back to living the life of a princess while Thor is forced to remain here in exile. If he has to stay, I will stay." I stated firmly. Loki opened his mouth, then closed hit, decided to nod instead. "I guess this is goodbye then." "It is." I said. Loki opened his arms out to me. I sank into his embrace, for what I assumed would be the last time. "I'm going to miss you." Loki said. I cried into his shoulder, not wanting for him to leave. But he was king now, so he had to go. I pulled away, and Loki wiped away my tears, smiling fondly. He turned to Thor, "Goodbye, brother." Then, he left. "Goodbye.." Thor said quietly just as the guy from before returned. "Goodbye? I just got back." I stared at the ground for the rest of the interrogation. I felt like something had been taken from inside of me. Had I really just chosen one brother over the other? I sure hope they didn't see it that way. But watching Loki leave, had made me almost regret my decision. There was no turning back now.

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