Chapter 4

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I wanted to catch my brothers before the ceremony started so I could give them my gifts. I fished the packages out of my dresser and exited my chambers. I found them in one of the rooms adjoining the throne room. Both of them were dressed in full armor. Loki's was gold and green, his helmet was gold and hand two long horns that curved above his head, he wore a green cape. Thor had silver armor, his helmet was silver and had two feathers on the sides. His cape was red. I had a piece of fabric on my dress that draped down sort of like a cape but it wasn't like theirs. Thor noticed my entrance right away, "Are you ready to witness history, sister?" Loki rolled his eyes beside him and I smiled. "I wouldn't miss it for the world." I had been holding the packages behind my back but now held them out in the open. I had wrapped each of them in silk that was their color. I held the red one out to Thor, the green one to Loki. "These are for you." They opened them quickly and pulled out the glistening amulets. "I enchanted them so you guys could find each other if you were wearing them. You can sense the other wearers presence with yours on." Loki held the amulet in his hands, examining it while Thor just stared at his in shock. "You made these?" Thor asked and I nodded. "It took a while, but it was worth   it." Thor and Loki shared a look. "We have something for you too." Thor reached over and picked up a small, blue package on the table and handed it to me. I untied the string and un wrapped it gently. I sucked in a breath when I saw what it was. It was an amulet, the design was a hammer with a snake coiled around the hilt. I ran my fingers over it, admiring the workmanship. "You guys didn't have to do this." I said, looking up at them. "Its linked to ours, just like you made the others." Thor explained. I slipped the necklace over my head and the amulet rested on my upper chest. Thor and Loki each put theirs on. "Thank you both." I said and hugged Loki. Thor wrapped his arms around us both. Since we were children, we had always hugged like this. Me squished in between my brothers. I liked it though, it made me feel safe. We untangled ourselves just as a servant came in and said it was time. Thor had to go outside the throne room so he could walk down to the throne while me and Loki had to stand. Loki and I headed our ways while Thor went to where he was supposed to be.

A/N: I'm sorry the parts are so
short, but I have this entire story written and it's hard to find good stopping points between parts 😁

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