Chapter 13

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Sometime later, we were still being interrogated. Seriously all I wanted to do was scare this guy senseless with my powers just so he'd leave us alone. But I kept my cool. He got called out of the room once again, and when the door opened again, it wasn't the guy in the suit who entered. "Donny, donny, donny.." Eric said, and I looked around. Who was Donny? "Everythings gonna be alright, I'm taking you home now." He said taking Thors arm, then nodding at me, "You too, Maria." Seeing that there was no one else in the room, I got up and followed. As we walked towards a car, the guy in the suit from before called, "Dr. Selvick! Just keep him away from the bars." "I will." Eric called back. Thor asked, "Where are we going?" "To get a drink. Not Verena though, she's underage." Eric said. "Well where can she go?" "I can fly back to that place we were before, I should be able to find it." I spoke up and Thor nodded at me. "Be careful." He said. "You too." I replied. I waited until I was out of sight of everyone else, then launched myself into the air. Finding the building from before was easy, it did look quite strange. When I got there, I found it empty. I called Jane's name, to no reply. I saw a trailer with lights on inside and knocked on the door. Jane opened it, and her eyes widened. "I'm so glad you're ok! Wait, where's Thor? And Eric?" She asked when she noticed they weren't with me. "They're getting a drink." Jane rolled her eyes at my reply, then stepped aside to let me in. "This is where you live?" I asked, looking around at the confined space. She nodded and I furrowed my eyebrows, "You Midgardians sure live in strange places." Jane laughed at that, "I'm sure it's different than where you come from." "Yeah." A pause, then she asked, "Do you miss your home?" I bit my lower lip, and nodded. "Why don't you guys just go back?" "I can go back, it's Thor who can't." "Why?" Before I knew it, I had started telling her about our predicament. Surprisingly, I didn't leave anything out. It took a long time to explain it all. After that, she started to tell me about Midgardian culture. I appreciated her taking the time to tell me. The more I knew, the better. Another knock sounded on the door and Jane answered it. "Oh my gosh!" She exclaimed when Thor came it with Eric over his shoulder. "What happened?" Jane asked. "We drank, we fought. He made his ancestors proud." Thor boasted and I smirked. He put Eric on the bed, who was barely conscious. But he managed to say, "I still don't believe you're the god of thunder, and that your sister is a goddess. But you guys ought to be." So Thor had told Eric our story as well. Great, now both Jane and him knew pretty much everything. Thor left with Jane to go sit on the rooftop of the building and I decided to leave them alone. I had noticed a shift in Thor's attitude towards her since we got her, and I assumed they were falling for eachother. At least Thor had a choice in who he could be with, unlike me. I flew into the night sky, so high that I thought I might reach the stars. I stayed up late, practicing with my new abilities in the desert. I could turn into any type of animal I wanted. On a whim, I decided to try shifting into another person. I scared myself senseless when I succeeded turning into my mother. The voice change is what freaked me out the most. It was hard to get used to. I eventually headed back to the building and found Thor and Jane asleep in two chairs. I smiled and picked up the blanket that had fallen off my brother and placed it back on top of him. He stirred, but did not wake up. I found some extra blankets along with another chair and laid down. It was hard to find peace. My father was dead, and now Loki was the new king of Asgard. And me and Thor were going to spend the rest of our lives here. I could go back and visit, but for some reason I was hesitant to try that out. I tossed and turned till I was
comfortable, then drifted off.

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