Episode 1 ~I'm shy~

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A/N: So this is actually the first FF I ever wrote, so cringiness is strong in this one, pls bear with me XD.

I have always been the quiet one in class and no one really notices me, apart from maybe my looks. I have my friends but as a foreigner I often get strange looks at the school I do my Korean exchange at since I'm like the only non korean. But every time it happens I just ignore it and keep going, although it does annoy me.

My only friends are Park Hyorin and Park Sehun, the twins of my class. They are the nicest people I've ever been with and funny too, although not as funny as Jin's dad jokes.

Yes, the one and only Kim Seokjin from BTS *internally fangirls*. I'm so happy I got tickets from Hyorin-ah and Sehunnie who're also ARMY for us all to go to this year's MAMA!! Still I'm broke and don't even know how we'll get there to see ma boys *cries*. Well we'll have to think something up within the next few weeks.

Anyways I need to go to the bus stop so I won't miss my bus, again.

"Yah Y/N! Wait a minute...!"
I stop and turn around to find Hyorin-ah behind me trying to catch her breath after she'd been running all the way to the bus.
"Oh, it's just you. You don't need to yell out in public, I can hear you well enough." I look around a little nervously because people turned around and stared.

I'm surprisingly shy around anyone I don't know, especially in public, and Hyorin-ah knows it well, but keeps making a joke of it, which is probably the only thing I don't like about her.

A moment later Sehunnie came just as the bus arrived, late as always unlike his twin sister. He's probably the closest I've ever had to a real brother since mine never turns up to anything. We chat on the bus about the impossible homework load in math (god I wish Namjoon was my teacher) and about our new PE teacher, how nice and especially hot he is.

As soon as we get off the bus, my daily portion of stares came my way and I start to walk faster on reflex just to get to class a little earlier, and to get off their radar.

"Y/N-ah don't let it get to you, they just don't know you and who you really are" says Sehunnie while I'm literally sprinting to class even though the bell hadn't rung yet.

>5 minutes later - bell rings<

Class starts and the most boring and normal day in my life continues until PE, although, as usual, just end up just staring at the teacher wishing he was famous or that I could be with my boys *starts smiling like crazy*...

"And what are you two smiling at? Am I that attractive? jokes Mr handsome PE teacher (I didn't even bother remembering his name) while he looks at me and Hyorin-ah. The entire class laughs at us while we blush and feel the most awkward in my life, Hyorin-ah and I just look at each other in full understanding, knowing that we'd been thinking about the same 7 people (friends like her are so hard to find). Sometimes I feel like we are more twins than her and Sehun.

>skip to after school<

"So Y/N wanna come over today?"
"Nah, have to revise for tomorrow's history assignment. Ah and tell Sehunnie that dance practice isn't tomorrow night because the studio's been booked by another group."
"Ok I'll tell him but he'll end up practicing in the living room anyway."

We laugh a bit, we wave goodbye as we get off the bus and head towards our homes. I live a few blocks away from them in an apartment by myself since I don't really like staying with a host family (my shyness just simply doesn't want me to).

I put in my password, the door lock clicks, and I'm welcomed with silence and the landlord's cat.

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