Episode 7 ~MAMA~

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It's 7 in the morning by the time I'm awake, standing in the kitchen making myself and Jungkook breakfast. Just a simple Sandwich should be enough for now.
"Aishhh already this late!?"
It's 8:30 now and we planned to meet up at school by 8:45.

I run to the bus and thank God that there's a bus just coming up. Luckily I make it right on time, although everyone was already waiting for me :-\.

Jinsung's aunt looks surprisingly young, not like I imagined her to be, and she's really pretty too (looks like beauty runs in the family).

We all thank her for going out of her way to drive us and get in her car. She puts on some music (it's BTS, she understands us T~T) and it instantly gets noisy, more like a choir since everyone knows the songs.

Today the weather's nice, warm-ish and sunny for once (lately there are cloudy days all the time).

After a while Butterfly plays and I sing it, like I practiced, with the others until I get really into it.

Jinsung's aunt turns around with a surprised face after we stop for a moment because of traffic jam.

"You're Y/N right? Jinsung told me that you could sing a little, but your voice is so beautiful, like idk you could be in a girl group or something o.o."

I start to blush really hard, I mean I thought that Elena only told me all this to make me feel better and that the one music class was some kind of exception to my bad singing.

"Uhm, thanks ... I guess...O.o"
I reply hesitantly but Jinsung's aunt just gives me a motivational smile.

"So where do you guys need to go? I can maybe drop you off closer to where you need to go than expected after you get back from lunch."

Jinsung tells her the address, and she already fixed her eyes back onto the road.

We go to a very basic restaurant for lunch. We talk and do a final check up if everyone has everything. We got the tickets, address, ourselves... Ah we got ARMY bombs too and are kind of properly dressed (we're half way towards a formal dress up XD).

I get out my phone to check for any notifications, from maybe my parents or something, and see that naver put on an article about tonight's MAMA.

{Drastic system change for MAMA this year:
Free auditions to be included into normal idol performances. Organizers and entertainment companies came up with this concept to get the audience more involved, and to find the hidden 'fan' gems.

The audience will be in small blocks or groups, with microphones installed in unknown places within the seating area. This way outstanding singing abilities will be noticed. Those outstanding singers will then be asked to perform with the performing idol(s) on stage to observe dancing and performance ability.

All of this will be public and shown on participating television channels. Organisers wish audience good luck and to have a completely new, exciting experience.}

"Wut!? I.. I don't believe this TAT. I don't wanna have this happen TAT......."

"Whats up Y/N?"
I show them the article and they just stare at the screen blankly, then panic ... and in the end we just go anyways.

>MAMA starts<

Jinsung's aunt drove us nearly to the entrance, which was life saving because the normal audience was lining up inside already.

We get out our tickets and get to our places in the audience section. However, naver didn't lie. The audience seating was nearly the same as the idol's, with bench, table and water bottles for everyone.

We share our table with another small group of 5 who also seem to be a dance crew.

Everywhere are people frantically looking for the secret mics, without success.

From what we knew, this year BTS will get quite a few awards so we're hyped, and even more hyped because they got a special stage performing about 5 songs straight (must be very tiring).

Everything goes dark and quiet and then the MAMA start. Got7 doing the opening with Never Ever, and Hard Carry.

...And they're amazing, dance and everything o.o silence spreads in the audience, apart from one voice.

A/N: yahahaha I'm evil ik, lmao. Finally came up with a decent length chapter compared to the last ones!

Please leave feedback, I'd appreciate it!

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