Chapter 12: New Recruits

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The day after Endeavour's death, Shouto was at school. He was told to take a week off but he came anyway. He actually came in last, even after Aizawa, the teacher who always came late but the one day he arrives on time, Shouto Todoroki comes late. People audibly gasped when he came in. His uniform was messy, as if thrown on. They were barely buttoned together, he didn't even bother with the tie, his hand hand wrapping over it, as if he'd punched a mirror. He looked like he was hungover. He heard the gasp and looked over the class.

"What? I look that bad?" Shouto said, with a light smile that left as soon as it appeared. He walked towards his seat in the back. As he walked, he heard his class whisper things about him.

"What happened to him?"

"His dad died."

"Really?! How?"

"Some psycho killed him." That made him slightly clench his fist in his pocket for just a second.

"Damn... That dude was a manly hero." Kirishima said. He luckily sat near Shouto so when Shouto sat down, he looked Kirishima in the eyes.

"Endeavour was no hero."
Momo and Shouto were talking to each other in their booth, hidden from prying eyes unless explicitly searches for. That's when some guy arrived at the booth. They both looked at the man and their eyes widened. The man was Midoriya. He was wearing jeans, t-shirt and a hoodie with the hood up.

"Ah... I see you know each other."

"Oh..." Both of them said.

"Now... either of you wish to meet some of my friends?" Izuku asked. They both nodded. "Follow me." He said, walking off. The other two followed quickly after. After a minute they got to a broom closet. Izuku opened the door and inside was a blackish purple mist in a winding portal. "Close the door as you walk through." Izuku warned, walking through. Momo went after him and Shouto went after her, closing the door as he did so. They were in a dark room and vaguely saw Izuku open a door, letting the light in. They saw, through the open door, a nice looking bar. They walked in and saw as Akemi looked from her drink to the group.

"What are they doing here?" She asked.

"They want to join." Izuku said.

"Good luck getting Tomura to say yes. He's pissed at you."

"He's not gonna turn down powerful friends because they come from me." Izuku said, only partly sure.

"Wanna bet?" Akemi said, slightly drunk.

"No." Izuku stated, remembering the multiple previous bets he made with her. Didn't go so well for him. He went over to Tomura's room and knocked on the door. "It's me, Izuku."

"The fuck do you want!?" Could be heard from behind the door. The voice was angry.

"I got recruits."


"They're from UA. Still enrolled in fact." Izuku said with a smile. The door opened so Tomura could see the recruits. He smiled.

"So, you got the ones that were born with a silver spoon in their mouth..." Tomura whispered, low enough that only Izuku heard. Izuku nodded.

"Even got the half and half quirk one to kill his father." Izuku whispered back.

"Really? I saw it on the news but I thought Stain did it." Tomura kept in a quiet whisper. Izuku shrugged, as if to say 'oh well.' Tomura looked to Momo and Shouto. "You guys sure you're up to this?" He asked them. The two nodded. "You ready to kill your class mates if necessary?" He continued. They nodded again. "Get the their new outfits and weapons." He told Izuku. Izuku nodded as Tomura closed the door. "Well, you heard the man." Izuku said, gesturing the two to follow him. He walked over to a door behind the bar, the two new villains following. He opened the door to a large workshop.  He walked over to the man who was currently working on it.

"Hey!" Izuku said loudly, about half way to him. The man looked over, his face covered by a bandana over his nose and mouth and welder's goggles over his eyes.  He then turned off the machine he was at and went over to him. They did a "bro hug" and when they released he pointed at the two.

"Who are they?" The man asked, putting the goggles up onto his fore head and after that, pulling the bandana down to his neck. Besides that he was wearing jeans and a simple white tank top with work marks on it. He had blue eyes and and sharp look about him. He was fairly fit, you know like when a guy has muscles but not enough that it looks weird.

"These are the new recruits." Izuku said, taking off the hoodie. It was fucking hot in here. He tossed it perfectly through the air to the door. He turned back to the blacksmith. "They need weapons and armor. I'll let you guys talk about it." He said before walking to the exit, letting the recruits and the blacksmith brainstorm.
Nate walked over to Jon's desk. "Lab get back to you on the finger prints yet?" He asked. Jon shook his head.

"No, not yet. You got anything?" Jon asked, looking up at the partner standing in front of him.

"I think so. I decided to look into Endeavor's family. Allegedly, he abused his son, Shouto Todoroki, and ended up making his wife go crazy too. One day, she was making tea when it happened. She looked at Shouto's right side, the one that's like Endeavor's quirk and just went crazy and poured-" Nate said.

"Boiling water on him. We got motive for the kid. Now all we need is opportunity." Jon finished.

20 minutes later.
Back at League of Villains HQ
Izuku opened the door. He saw the blacksmith and the 2 recruits just workshopping what the final idea for both. He knocked on the door three sharp times. The trio looked to Izuku. "Lunch is almost over, you gotta head back." He said. The recruits nodded said
goodby to the blacksmith and Izuku before they went to where the portal was and went back to UA.
Author's Note

So... I kinda got a bit ahead of myself

And so...

I have this entire story written out

And I'm thinking of just posting, like, a chapter a day...

Is that a good idea, or should I just keep with my regular schedule?

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