Part 8: Questions

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Izuku once again arrived at the center of the USJ. He saw the large muscly, black, beaked nomu with its exposed brain in a very fast fist fight with the hero All-Might. Izuku wrapped his arms around Akemi's waist, slightly surprising her. He put the section between his neck and the bottom of his chin on her head. He could feel her smile.

"How's it been going?" Izuku asked.

"It's been going-" Akemi started before one of All-Might's punches sent the Nomu flying up through the sky, smashing a hole in the dome of The USJ. "Great." She finished.

"Me and my big mouth." Izuku joked. He looked towards All-Might. He stared back. It was a battle of wills and Izuku's proved stronger as All Might recognized Izuku as the boy who oh so long ago found out his secret. The boy who he thought ended his life. All Might couldn't help but look away if only for a second. Izuku grinned at All Might. All-Might was disturbed by this, but he didn't show it. Tomura was getting... frustrated.

"No... he was supposed to have been getting weaker... if anything he's gotten stronger." He said before looking at Izuku. Well less looking more, murdering Izuku in his mind AT Izuku. Izuku scoffed.

"Look, he's steaming he can't handle another fight like that. If we could, we would kill him right now, but we're out of time." Izuku stated, saddened they couldn't kill All-Might. They simply didn't have time. He had seen that the boy with the engines in his legs was missing, and with him being the only one that could make it to UA and back to the USJ fast enough to threaten the league, they had to retreat. Tomura, however, didn't see that, or hear the last part of his sentence.

"Then let's..." Tomura walking forward to All Might. Izuku was confuse.

"Tomura, what in the fuck are you doing!?" Izuku said. "We don't have enough time!" He continued before seeing the door to the USJ open. Damn it heroes. "KUROGIRI, GET US OUT OF HERE!" Izuku shouted, letting go of Akemi to grab Tomura by the back of his shirt, bringing Tomura back through the newly created dimensional portal, sending the gang over to the bar once more.

"What the hell was that for?!" Tomura said, angry about being dragged in front of the enemy. Izuku was also angry that he had to do that.

"We ran out of fucking time! We stayed any longer we'd be injured, dead, or in jail!" Izuku said.

"We could have taken them!" Tomura said defensively. Izuku laughed.

"Us four against 20 professional heroes!? NOT. FUCKING. LIKELY. It'd be more likely for you to actually think about the soldiers in your little revolution army as more than useless AI in a fucking video game! This!" Izuku said, gesturing around them. "This is what's left of the army that attacked the USJ! FOUR FUCKING PEOPLE!" He shouted. Akemi and Kurogiri were next to each other off to the side.

"They try to kill each other, you get Tomura, I'll get Izuku." Said Akemi, causing Kurogiri to laugh a bit and nod.
Momo was sitting in her room trying to sleep. That boy, Izuku. She couldn't stop thinking about him.

What's his story?

What's he like?

Is he... redeemable?
Todoroki was walking down the streets of the city. The city was quiet, it being midnight and all. He was supposed to be back 4 hours ago but that Midoriya guy really bugged him. He knew about his parents and what happened. How did he know? None of it was made public but he knew. Somehow.

How did he know?

Will he kill Endeavour?

Why do I want him too?
Katsuki was speaking to the doctor at 12 AM. Telling him how he wasn't hallucinating Izuku. How one of his friends saw Izuku as well. The doctor had a hard time believing him and said if he could get this friend to say they did him while on a lie detector, he'd believe Katsuki. Katsuki thanked the doctor and left. He knew he was real but he didn't know, not fully, Why Izuku went evil. It's just not natural, Deku being like that.
Momo was just about to put her questions to rest with sleep, but her phone made a noise.


She looked over and saw a text message from an unknown number. It read "you had questions? i have answers. im downstairs. ask away." She was confused about who this person was so she pulled a sword from her gut and started to slowly go downstairs. It was dark and quiet downstairs, in the living room she looked around for signs of life, but found none. She lowered her sword and sighed.

"Fucking knew it." She mumbled. Suddenly, a light on one of the tables next to the couches turned on, illuminating a man in a suit and green hair and green eyes. Izuku.

"How did you get in my house?" Momo said.

"I crawled through a window." Izuku sated with a smile.

"Really?" She asked, looking for open windows.

"No, you left the door unlocked." Izuku said with a small chuckle. Momo rolled her eyes and set her sword against the wall before going and locking the door. "Shoulda done that earlier." Izuku joked. She sat down at the couch across from Izuku.

"Did you always want to become a Villain?" She asked. He tsked.

"Of course not. I wanted to be a hero because I'm a person. But a person can only take so much. I got negativity and betrayal from everyone I had met. Then I met someone. The girl who fought you. She's the one that helped me do this. Otherwise I would be working at some fast food chain." Izuku said.

"She helped you become a villain?" She asked. Midoriya nodded.

"She did. To be honest... the day I met her I was thinking of trying to end my life... a fifth time." Izuku said. Momo nodded. She asked him questions till 3 AM. He was very interesting. It was 3:08 before Izuku stood up. "Well, I have to go." He said, heading for the door.

"Wait, I have one more question!" Momo said, standing up too. Izuku looked at her. He saw a familiar look in her eyes. A look he only saw on Akemi. A look of actual niceness, actual interest in him. He smiled.

"What is it?"

"Why do you do what you do?"

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