Chapter Two - The Day I Fell from Grace

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I sit up and rub my aching head. I really need to stop going to bed so late. Everything feels wrong. I'm not the same anymore.

(Get in shower. Get out.

Grab clothes. Get dressed.

Fix hair. Fix waffle.

Grab backpack. Walk out door.

Walk down the street, and take a left at the first stop sign.

Go straight until fifth stop sign, then take a right.

Walk some more - pass the park.

Arrive at school.)

As I step out the shower, my weak body shivers, and goose bumps form. I look a mess. My hair sits wildy atop my head. I have red, blurry, sad eyes, and fresh bruises and scars lining my wrist, stomach and neck. I also have a cut on the left side of my forehead.

I stop taking notice of my sickening reflection and cover it with a towel. I walk back to my bedroom. Posters of bands, cars, cheer competitions, football, basketball, and track stars line the walls. A dressor sits in one corner. In another sits another dressor. In between is a queen sized bed. Toward the front of the room is a computer desk with a computer and old pictures on a board above it. In a far front corner is a closet. In the middle sits a small living space. A flat screen tv is on the wall with a white cabinet filled with movies, video games, video game systems and jackets beneath it. Around it is a small sofa and a recliner with a table in the middle, and end tables on the sides.

Opening the closet I scan over my choice of clothing appropriate for today's weather. It's a bit cool, and it should be raining later. I decide on dark blue skinny jeans, a yellow tank, and black converse. I threw on a black studded belt and a maroon hoodie. I place my watch on my left wrist. This should do. Finally, I place his dog tag around my neck. It says Forever and Always. My Love and Yours. That's what he always said to me. This saddening thought, strangely makes me smile. Those beautiful, always changing eyes of his were always glistening.

Now it's time for the next step in my daily routine. I go back to my tropical, underwater themed bathroom. I brush and brush and brush the tangled mess on my head called hair until I am content. I begin straightening each piece, then part my hair to the left. I comb out my bangs.

"C'mon Sasha! If you want me to drive you to school we need to leave now!" I hear Brian, one of my stepbrothers shout.

" Coming!" I shout back.

I grab my phone, run downstairs, and pop me a blueberry waffle in the toaster.

" What's the rush?" I ask Brian.

" Jen needs a ride to school, and I kind owe her."

" Ew, that whore..why would you owe her?"

He gives me a knowing smirk and my stomach begins to cringe.

" Brian you are so discusting! If your you know what starts feeling funny, don't come running to me for help. You should probably schedule a doctors appointment just in case you caught something from that thing."

My waffle pops out the toaster.

Brian stretches and yawns," Already got that taken care of sis. What time is it?"

I pull my phone out to check the time.

" 7:00," I say.

After I tell Brian the time, I see there's a message on my phone. I check it.

Jake: I have football practice this afternoon. You're staying, then we're going to get pizza with the guys. Wear something sexy to school. Don't look like a whore. All the guys expect me to have the perfect girl. Don't fuck this up and you will not embarass me. After that, we're going to my house. You're spending the night.

Me: Alright.

I run upstairs to change.

" Sasha, where the hell are you going?" Brian calls to me as I reach the stop step of the stairs.

" Gotta change! Just go to school without me. I'll walk."

I hear the door open, then shut. I watch as he pulls out the driveway heading off. I open my closet, and look to the left, my Emergency Jake section. I'm tired of Jake. Why do I listen to him? Oh, I know why. If I don't he'd probably kill or severely injure me more than he already has. What happened to the nice Jake? He probably never existed. What happened to my feisty fighting spirit? It's long gone. I'm tired of fighting. I'm exhausted. I finally deicide on a white, sleeveless, ruffle blouse, navy blue skinny jeans that go over the belly button with buttons along the sides, a tan belt, tan wedges, a long chain with a sailboat on the end and white hoop earrings. I leave the dog tag on, and my white watch. I then go to the bathroom and curl random strands of my hair. I put on a navy sweater, grab my navy blue and white striped purse and walk downstairs. I grab my waffle out the toaster then head out the door.

Walk, walk, walk, walk, walk reach the first stop sign take a left.

Walk, walk, walk, walk, walk, walk, walk, walk take a right at the fifth stop sign.

Walk, walk, walk...wait. I stop at the long forgotten desolate park.

I glance back; no ones around. I decide it's safe then make my way toward the swing set. This is where we first met and kissed. My hand immediately goes to the dog tag. I sit and continue thinking. My thoughts and wonders take me back to the night my life ended, the day I fell from grace.

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